Merging ICs with training school or business incubation

Hi - I am Dave and just joined IC today after many months of research. Currently in AZ but have lived in areas throughout the US and am highly mobile. Seeking likeminded others who want to build a new IC - unless something like what I’ve describe below already exists.

I prioritize self-sufficiency in terms of food, water, protection and energy – where possible. My background is in entrepreneurship and social enterprise – so economic self-sufficiency is also important – where possible.

I’m grounded and organized. Have access to resources but seek others who do too. I am also in long term sobriety and although I am not purely focused on abstinent communities I am not interested in people who use alcohol or substances more than rarely.

Also I am open to merging models – like IC’s and training schools – or IC’s and business incubators. If interested feel free to contact me:

Would you like to elaborate on what you mean by “training schools” and “business incubators”?

Hi, Dave,
Welcome to IC. I have a 30-acre IC near Jonesville, VA, and I’m looking for good people to fill out our liberty-oriented, permaculture community. I lived in AZ for a while, but found it too dry for veggie farming. I’m from Maine originally but it’s the opposite of AZ, too cold and wet with short growing season, so I finally settled in this more temperate climate where I can grow year-round with the help of an unheated hoop house. If you’d like more info, you can email me at and I’ll send you a pdf with info, pics, maps, weather data, etc. We are currently 5 adults ages 28-78, all non-drinkers, non-smokers, working on food self-sufficiency and various farm enterprises.


Training school combined with IC: a place where people can learn valuable portable skills based on the values of the IC. The skills people can acquire are many and varied. People can learn for the sake of learning or learn for other reasons they have prioritized. This already occurs in IC’s and similar live/learn/work concepts.

Business incubator combined with IC: a place where people can launch businesses (mostly small scale or DIY type entrepreneurship) or operationally sustainable nonprofits based on the values of the IC. The “businesses” would cater to people outside the IC versus people within the IC. I am not sure this sort of model occurs in any IC’s but it might.

Also, you can combine all three (training school, business incubator, IC).

These models would be an opportunity for people in the IC to create value they could capture for themselves - while benefitting the IC. I realize my terminology might not be common in the traditional IC domain - and I am a newcomer to IC’s as well as the many adjacent or overlapping concepts. But I want to be clear that my orientation is not myopic or market based - I come from a holistic, systems based place. I happen to be a big believer in entrepreneurship and lifelong learning - primarily as a means to solve problems and help people to find a path they find most meaningful. My perspective is earned from the work I have done over the last 20+ years.

Thanks Cory - will reach out today!

We do all three. Always have, for over 50 years.

Thanks. I did a quick search online and found a place with same name in OH. If that is you I will read up and contact you directly.

Respectfully & kindfully: Did yi really want to publicly post your contact information?

Your concept is more common than yi might think/know. I too plan on something similar whilst being not[h] within public perview, whilst being a type of haven/safety net for those whom need. Well knoweth of those whom wish malice & other unnecessary disrespects; works in progress & [to the best of our abilities] noth giving up on others. Extention/connected communities being within mine ideas whilst helping where able during emergency situations regardless of correlations. I hope you’ll find compatibilities for each realm of yours soon enough.:love_you_gesture: