Hi, I’m Mike. Please forgive me of mine deception? Undisclosed reasons caused me to utilize such guise to help me arrive where I reside. Many of yiz might know me as Sam [Smith], &/or WizardHopeDragon. I’m not posting a photo of myself for personal reasons, nor where I’m located (circumstances & personal OpSec be of factors). If I were to live in an intentional community, I’d wish to be a private person. I’ll help out where/whenever I can. I’ve not yet lived in an intentional community. My special talent is usually learning as I do things. I don’t like doing anything haphazardly, nor do I like being allowed doing something hazardously. If I’m doing something wrong/harmful, & there’s a better way of getting the job done, by all means please show/tell me. I’m interested in living in the wilderness, or even helping rebuild someplace abandoned; I ain’t afraid of ghosts! (however modified quote from Ghostbusters’ theme song). I’m basically looking for someplace away from the city & far from society. I do my best to be diverse, patient, Zen, & understanding. Don’t be afraid to message me. Please know that if I don’t reply, I’m in search of calming space[s]. Ha. Ha.
I really enjoy gardening, nature photography, DIY projects (however redundant), [experimental] cooking, braiding, & just spending time with nature. I want to learn about utilizing & storing energy using multiple resource systems, such as solar, wind, & water; rather than singular systems. I’m a hands on learner/tinkerer; if it’s something you can show me as you talk about it, please let me learn about it? I also want to learn how to properly utilize different growing techniques. I’m diverse, private, patient, & independent. I’ll be as helpful as I can & will [do mine best to] let you know if it’s above my ability/knowledge. I don’t consider myself a leader. I’m an advocate for cannabis (Indica, Sativa, & Ruderalis) & other natural medicinal use.
I’d love to be in the forest near a river or a lake, even if it’s with an establishing, or established, community. I can help in many areas, I’m willing to learn (however redundant), & love reusing & repurposing things for other projects.
Your Life Always Matters!! Yiz Be Loved!!
{Photos/videos of me are not permitted to be taken in/on/for [m]any platforms.}
Current status:
Illegally evicted & arrested: 2024331
Evicted from jail: 2024355
No [employed] income
-Beseeching a job as a Photographer (profile on Indeed; portfolio on Canva)
No vehicle
Expired out of state driver’s license: MN law/statute 171.07 (valid id by way of extention)
Roof above mine head by way of shelter
Fed & hydrated