Introduce yourself and meet others

Checking out new places in Canada and maybe other countries …

Hello from Manitoba, Canada. My name is Caroline. I’m retired and looking to visit and join a community. A good fit and something beneficial for us all.

A new community being built also interests me.

I thrive in a quiet country lifestyle. A natural setting that is geared to growing, foraging, harvesting and preserving our own food. The ability to Trade, sell, barter our products and services that we have in abundance too.

Communities looking to be Self sustainable really interests me. Sharing amongst members, supporting one another, teaching/learning skills, complimenting skills. Loving and encouraging one another to grow and excel. Respecting individuality as we are all unique and precious.

I have lived in commune type housing. I enjoy hobby farms and acreage type housing. Small towns I visited as well however I discovered I love country living. I grew up on a farm.

I love to wake up to the sounds of nature. Falling asleep to the sound of rain. Walking on the land and collecting its gifts. Processing these gifts and making healing tea’s, tinctures, food.

I love to garden. I love animals. I love people. I am an introvert in some respects as I love to read. I can hide with a book for hours because I love to learn. Natural medicines, plants, and what people call weeds are some of my favorites. I love to cook as well and enjoy adding my finds, in nature, to make a fabulous meal.

That’s a little bit about me. Always open to answer questions. Looking to connect with older people. A mix of ages is complimentary too.

Looking forward to talking and finding out what others are doing.

I’m still learning how to post in here … techno challenged. Patience I ask. Suggestions ect always appreciated.

I am on a cell phone. No computer as of yet.:hugs::100::heart:

Hey! My name is Keirstan. I go by she/her, am 31 years old and am a married mama to two boys age 5 (Elijah) and 9 (Zack) with an adorable and very sweet 1 year old Chihuahua (Frost). My husband (Mark, 33) is a CDL driver and I’m a stay at home mom with dreams of living on a farm one day. I used to be a nurse delegate CNA that specialized in end of life care but it started to hurt my heart and I just couldn’t go back to it.
We are currently in Portland Oregon. We moved here because Marks family is here but it’s just not safe anymore. I can’t take my kids out by myself because there are more of them (kids+pup) than me and it just terrifies me that all these drug addicts and irrational acting people are all over where we live.
I’m from San Juan Islands (very small) and went to Job Corps (for culinary ) where there were 6 girls to a pod. Right now we rent a room with shared toilets and a shower in the hallway. That’s the only experience I have with community living. I like it but I would much rather prefer to actually know my neighbors and live in an actual community. Thanksgiving is my favorite literally just because I get to cook for so many people!
My husband and I both love to sing. He also skateboards and likes to play sports and such. I’m kind of the opposite, I’d rather read a book on Wattpad with my coffee (ultra large cup of coffee) on the porch or grilling in the back yard while my kids run around. I also love to garden and do farm work (feed animals and my husband was an apprentice to a general contractor so he can make fences, build houses and porches and such. I would love to learn to build a strong fence though!)
Both my boys love video games and playing equally. They are super sweet and loving. My oldest is autistic and got expelled during covid because the type of autism he has, he is very empathetic. So anyways he wouldn’t stop helping kids up when they fell and giving hugs to kids who felt bad so they kicked him out and that best sums up his personality. I’m very proud of him :slight_smile:
My youngest is a bit more rambunctious and I can’t wait to get him into an organized sport to get all this extra energy out!
Frost (Jack Frost, he was pure white when we got him; and I’m salty we didn’t name him Dobby) is the sweetest Chihuahua you will ever meet. His original owners gave the puppies away WAY too early so he is very trained and 110% thinks he is human haha.
So I guess I’m just here to check everything out. I’d like to find a tribe, it’d be really cool if there was a community with more kids. Anywhere safe, and friendly. That’s all we want. We have friends and family in Oregon, Colorado and Minnesota so we would like to be in one of those states.

If you made it this far thank you for reading! Have a great rest of your week!


Hello! My name is Ummear. I am 33 years old. I am a neuroscientist by profession and have been living in the States for last 8 years. I have mostly been busy with my academic career but I am very passionate about sustainable, communal living. I live a minimalist life and I am actively looking for an income sharing commune built on the principle of solidarity to live in. Recently I have strongly been feeling disconnected from the problems of real world. Like every other profession science has been influenced by perverted incentives and I see careerists around, who rather than having a genuine interest in improving others lives are busy meaningless jobs. I want to experience living close to nature, involve in community building, helping others, and enjoy the beauty of life. In future I want to buy some land, build a farm, and maybe start a commune myself.

Hi, Kindreds, I’m Amy Bee, living in Castro Valley, CA, but soon to move to Earthaven Ecovillage, in Black Mountain, NC, to restore the Hobbit House. My first intentional community experience was Whitehall Co-op in Austin, TX, and I’ve experienced a few since then, with the last being Terra Sante Village, outside of Tucson, AZ. I’m a social change agent, supporting nonprofits and enviro & justice micropreneurs, and can’t wait to fulfill my lifelong dream to join my friends at Earthaven. Here to share ideas, inspiration, and moral support. :honeybee:

Hello my name is Kevin. I’m a holistic healer and spiritual teacher living in Austin, Texas practicing modalities of mind, body and spirit. My ultimate interest is expansion of consciousness and raising my vibration. To achieve this I’ve been exploring spirituality over over 10 years which has led me to 12 different countries. My studies include Yoga, Kabbalah, Energy healing, Tantra, Metaphysics, and Massage. I’ve lived Singapore, Japan, Costa Rica and, Bahrain and my goal here is to partner with other like-minded people that are growth-orient and would like to live in a community where we can all grow and learn from each other. It’s my belief that we’re at our best when we’re in an environment that is the most supportive of our expansion and this requires others of a similar nature.
You can find out more at

Hello, My name is Kevin and I’ve got some healing modalities that could be useful for your community including massage. You can find more information on my website.

Hi Everyone,
I am Otter. I am the custodian of an Ancient Rock, off the coast of the Isle of Skye in Scotland.
We are slowly creating an intentional community on this Rock, while gently increasing the biodiversity.
I’m on this platform to learn and share and to connect with others.


Mike be mine name. Please forgive me of mine deception under the guise of Sam Smith? I did mine best to speak truth, holding back certain [what I felt to be] identifying interests and such; more details on mine profile. Mine interests be the same/similar & I be in a better situation. Still seeking work & communit[y/ies]; found a home, yet not a permanent domicile yet. Anything yi[z] saw/see of WizardHopeDragon be whom I be. If there be a need for me to repost in certain categories/topics, please let me know in private/direct message? Any questions, I’ll do mine best to answer. Please forgive me for many redundancies & jumping around of mine [generational] jib? Thank yiz in advance. God[s] bless/speed!!:love_you_gesture:


Hi! I’m Adam and I live in Oregon City near Portland, Oregon. I hope to help start some local meetups and maybe even an RV ecovillage or two! Feel free to review my other post here: PNW: Social Meetups >> RV Ecovillages

My name is Jason Boyer (He, Him, His).

I’ve lived in several Hare Krishna Ashrams and farms in my young 20’s. Resided at several unnamed communal homesteads and farms on the Big Island of HI as well as at AsheVillage Institute in NC.
I was a Co-Creator of Poets’ Plaggen in Seminole, FL.

Now, after taking a blow to the side of the head from a loaded pistol; nothing nefarious on part.

I have severe CPTSD and am seeking a healing communal environment to be in.

Yes, I’ve tried therapy and medication.


Hi, My name is Josslynn. I’m a 36-year-old transgender woman and have always lived in collective houses in cities in the Northeast of the US. Living intentionally brings me joy and helps me feel like I belong in a world that doesn’t necessarily want me. I’m a musician and I play Accordion, guitar, bass, drums and more!

I have been working in the bicycle industry for over a decade and I’m ready to move out of the city and I’m looking to live and work in an intentional community. I have some farming experience and am a professional bicycle mechanic. Really looking for a structured community that I can live and work in. I have no life savings and have been living from month to month as an artist and mechanic. Looking for a familial community that’s looking for women or queer/trans folks.

Hi. I’m growing food cuz. Ya. Peeps need real nutrition. I will return to Natural health add but mostly working on land. Yes, Sunshine is my fave Rx. Mostly anticipating climate chaos.
Where are you?

Hi Arlen
I’ve been cleaning up and developing land in Va on the Blue Ridge. I’m here to conect w woodsey women who want to farm and share on farm income. Alas, Mich Fest behind us… this place is great for 101+ to gather. In ‘08 had 35 for the land dyke gathering.
Now mostly preparing for climate chaos, as a joyful hurricane blows. Had worse ! Growing food, fixing common space, goat dairy, fixing equipment flying solo. Had woofers, can really damage one’s view of the future. I want to live w women who can work together. Full participation. Tremendous resources here to assemble and care for a core ground crew. No sit down jobs except cutting up apples.
Let me know if you know of any such contacts
Thanks. Best

Hi Everyone. I’ve been involved in the communities movement for over 35 years. Way back when, following my graduate thesis on Children and Education in Contemporary Intentional Communities (which involved traveling to ~30 across North America), I worked with kids and families at the Findhorn Foundation in northern Scotland In 1992-1993. In 1998, I moved to Sirius Community in western Massachusetts and founded the non-profit Living Routes, which partnered with UMass-Amherst to run study abroad programs based in ecovillages around the world. Over 1,500 students were transformed by these immersive experiences. I left Living Routes in 2012 to start a new social venture called Earth Deeds, which offers online tools for individuals and groups to “onset” their unavoidable CO2 emissions and support meaningful sustainability projects. I was a co-founder and past Board Member of Gaia Education, founder and director of CAPE Consultancy, which develops Custom Academic Programs in Ecovillages, and served as President of the Global Ecovillage Network from 2015-2019. Most recently, I was living in Auroville (south India) before moving back to Findhorn in 2022 to serve as their Director of Education until April of 2023. I returned to Sirius in August, 2023 and am now in the role of Co-Director of the FIC!

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I am very attracted to cohousing - have visited many time, Ecovillage at Ithaca - but am currently too tied to current location. Also spent a lot of weekends at Ganas in Staten Island - really interesting place, people, and history. Working on book - titled, The Center of Trust: From Industrial Revolution to Community Revolution. Currently in hands of editor. Also writing short pieces on range of issues - sustainability, aging, risk - plus a website:

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Hello! It’s nice to meet everyone :wave: My name is Eddie, and I live in a suburb of Chicago.

I have a vision of a world where all people may live freely while respecting the freedom of others, and I believe in creating free, sustainable communities as a way to achieve that vision.

This is my first time sharing my thoughts outside of my circle, so I’m hoping to make new friends, to learn from others experiences, and to hopefully add something beneficial for you all as well! Please reach out if you’d like to connect :grinning:

If you’d like to know more about me:

  • I’m married, and my wife and I have been together for over 10 years. We met in our senior year of high school, and we’ve been together ever since. We have a dog, and it sounds like pretty soon a cat :smiley_cat:
  • My hobbies are reading, playing music, and video games, and I’m happy to chat about all three!
  • Currently, I work as a product manager for a tech company in Chicago.

Greetings from Caleb,

I can cook (vegetarian). I work with individuals as a lifestyle engineer (yoga, astrology, healing-touch). I have great customer services skills (as long as I am supported in being honest). Most importantly, I deeply desire to be part of a community that wants to heal. Deeply want to learn about how to live in harmony with nature. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Explore more about me and my offerings here and let me know if you think I’m a fit:

Hello, Ralph,
I am reaching out because it sounds like you may possibly be among the type of people I am hoping to connect with. I have been interested in living in an eco-conscious community for quite some time. I owned a senior residential home for several years and became very familiar with the systems we have in place in this country to support people as they age. Basically, people are being warehoused for a profit in too many scenarios. As an artist and an independent individual I would like to be able to have a better plan. Many people just don’t want to think about getting old so they just don’t make adequate plans to age on their own terms.
In a nutshell, I would like to find a group of people interested in creating a community where old artists can support each other to make art ‘til they die. I see no reason a group of individuals can’t form a community that can provide everything a “retirement” community provides but under their own control. I have watched so many older individuals have everything they built taken away by family members that don’t want to deal with the hassle of supporting them and people who give up what they love because they dont’ want to be a “hassle” to their kids. I believe that a group a dynamic, creative Elders have the power to create their ideal community arrangement and maintain their creative independence. Does this resonate with you? I am currently in southeast Virginia but as a world traveler I am pretty open to other locations and other peoples ideas.



I’m Eléonore and I live in Chiang Mai, Thailand. I’m French-Argentinean with grandparents born on 3 different continents, and my husband is Dutch British; we’ve lived in Asia for 12 years.

My experiences in community stem from 30 years the theatre, from living in a squat, and working in NGOs. I like groups. I’m also a therapist working part-time in rehab and it is brought home to me daily how poignantly lonely people are and how community is vital for humans.

I’m a very voracious learner and reader, with the arts and psychology as my most enduring passions, although anything can catch my fancy. I’m an ENFP, Enneagram type 9, Leo Sun, Aquarius Rising and Scorpio Moon, formally excommunicated from the Catholic Church, in love with the Tao Te Ching and dabbling in Wicca. I was really into ‘saving the world’ in my 20s - now that I’m in my 40s, I’m a lot humbler - I just want to serve my community and support the health of its humans.

I’m here because I want to learn everything I can about communities in order to set this project on the right track from the get go. I’m very grateful to have access to the wisdom and experience of so many brave souls who came before me. I took 4 online classes already and look forward to learning more!!