Welcome ā€” get started here

Welcome to the discussion forum hosted by Foundation for Intentional Community.

Here we hope to foster live and ongoing conversations between individuals living in, starting, and aspiring to building new communities. This is a place to learn about what is out there, how to get started, and keep building intentional culture and communities. Connect with others who are doing work like yours, or those with whom you aspire to join, support, or collaborate.

We welcome your experience!

First steps:

  1. Add a picture of you and your name here
  2. Fill out any additional info about you that you want to share in your profile
  3. Introduce yourself and your community to others! We look forward to meeting you.

Before you dive in be sure to:

Questions and feedback?

  • Do you have suggestions on how to improve the forum? Here is how you give feedback.
  • For general questions check out the Meta Category for tips and discussion on using the space.


Hi All, My name is Donnie Austin, Iā€™m new to the forum. Iā€™m looking forward to learning and listening to how other members have launched and built their communities in international locations. Iā€™m on the Pacific Coast of Ecuador, hoping to grow a small Intentional Community here with the helps of others.