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Hello :slight_smile: I am Nina, living currently in Slovenia and I come from Montenegro. I would love (it seems to me, I havenā€™t so far tried) to live in an intentional community and maybe even establish one (as it seems to me there are not many in the Balkans).
I work as an assistant researcher and PhD student in Slovenia, focused on ecosystem services. My hobbies are photography, walking and hiking, personal data drawing (fresh hobby), etc. Love cooking.
I am here because I want to learn about intentional communities and eventually be a part of one.


Iā€™m Kasey, I currently live in federal housing in Eastern Oregon. I have experience in a handful of community living arrangements, including crisis communities from domestic violence shelters, homeless shelters, a food coop, and medical marijuana farms (before rec was legal here). I have a lot of experience managing childcare, support for disability inclusion, universal design for accessibility, and LGBT+ events.

Iā€™m here as part of an ongoing effort to either find or create a community that has space for families like mine - I have two children with a wide variety of disabilities, and it is a constant struggle to keep them out of residential facilities or institutionalization. Behavior disabilities are the only one I frequently find no access or inclusion for, especially when you take into account the financial aspect of caring for someone in this context. I am also neurodivergent and disabled, and this adds itā€™s own layer.

Iā€™m currently exploring starting a therapeutic community. In my state if an adult has a developmental disability, there is an inclusive independent living option that supports them and their children, their whole family of choice, regardless of income. While the funding pathways already exist, there is no such program that provides the same arrangement for children who are disabled. As it sits, over 60% of children in my states foster care program are disabled - most of them surrendered voluntarily due to this specific lack of support.

Intentional community is the way forward here. Iā€™m just not sure how to start.


I wish you great success in your goals, most children are best off being with family, when children have to go live in residential it just adds trauma to their already complicated load of challenges, so I applaud your efforts. The only community in Eastern OR I know of is Pinen Healing Arts, but I donā€™t think its very far along in its formation and its very remote geographically, so may or may not be relevent depending on what you seek. Thereā€™s also a cohousing community in Bend, which some people would view as Central OR rather than Eastern, but admittedly Iā€™m west of the Cascades so in my mind everything east of the mountains is Eastern OR in my brain.

Wishing you success and happiness for you and your family.

Hi Cynthia,

I want to send you an email but the email address you provided seems incomplete. Perhaps itā€™s a gmail so Iā€™ll try that.

Hi Jonah, how is your new community going? Iā€™ interested to hear of it.

Hi I am Stephen living in Boulder, Colorado and a recent former member of and Ecovillage and intentional spiritual community since 2004. I left due to the religious dogma and control.

I still believe in the need for true community as defined by M. Scott Peck in Chapter V of The Different Drum. It really is a no brainer when we consider our resources of land, water and other environmental resources consumed faster than Mother Earthā€™s replenishment. The increasing need for mental health care has also skyrocketedā€¦.IT TAKES A WHOLE VILLAGE TO RAISE A HEALTHY HUMAN BEING!

I had is a dream of a council of Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs when zI was in NY for part of one winter. I took a bus to the Onondaga reservation road. From there I walked the unplowed road through a snowstorm to the Smokeshop and informed the young man that I had a dream and wanted to speak with Chief Oren Lyons. He acted like I was a ghostšŸ¤ . Shortly, I was picked up by Orenā€™s brother and settled into his motherā€™s home for Four days and then Oren asked why I was there. I explained the dream and that I was seeking community ā€¦.

I was enquiring how I and my family could become members of the the Six Nations confederacy because it was my understanding that the confederacy was the only tribe with a Treaties with England and France predating the Constitution of the USA, before that colonization of Turtle Island. I had walked through a snowstorm following a dream I had of the Council of elders there at Onondaga. Four days I stayed in his motherā€™s home and on the fourth day Oren met with me. We went to the Longhouse and he spoke about the teachings of the Peacemaker. His teachings were inclusive not excluding anyone. There was an event that happened on February 27, 1973, the Wounded Knee Occupation. Eventually, Dennis Banks, a founder of the American Indian Movement sought political asylum at Onondaga who followed the White roots of Peace back to the shores of Lake Onondaga as wellā€¦he was allowed to stayā€¦there were inter-marriages thereā€¦eventually bitterness arose within the community and a division between the ā€œfull bloodedā€ (FBI) Indians and the mixed families and children. The two opposing sides argued their cases in the Longhouse for months until the closing argument of an Onondaga born and raised woman stated, ā€œI am full blooded Onondaga so before I, my husband, and our children should be asked to leave our tribe and home hereā€¦then everyone who is NOT full blooded Onondaga (including Dennis Banks) must leave as well!ā€ Or words to that effect. Oren said that in the Longhouse was complete silence (a sign that all agree) so he stated that one could hear a pin drop! That was the consensus of the people! So the Chiefs had no choice but to support the decision of the people! ā€¦ Oren went on stating that due to that decision, there were still many wounds that hadnā€™t healed as of 1986 when we spoke.

I share this story so you have a little idea about me.

I also just returned from the Amazon of Northern Peru where I went to be in ceremony with traditional healers and indigenous people there thinking perhaps my feelings of alienation were a result of some unknown past trauma but I realized that society is very messed up. Not that I am all set, but that the unity and belongingness is very limited in mainstream societyā€¦.

Enough for now.


Thank you for sharing your experiences with us. Clearly community is a very important value to you, I hope you can find the next community, or start the next community, youā€™re meant to be part of.

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My name is Pax, i live at Twin Oaks in Virginia. Since 2018, members of ICs have helped in critical referendum and elections of national significance as part of the Flip Project. It looks like Democracy as well as reproductive rights will be on the ballot in 2024. If you are interested in turning back the drift towards authoritarianism in the US, working with amazing dedicated people the check out the Flip 2024 Prospectus

  • What should we call you?


  • Where are you living? Do you live in an intentional community now?

I am from Lafayette LA and I do not yet reside in an intentional community.

  • What are your experiences in community?

None, yet.

  • Special talents

Finance, planning, organization, education, mitigation

  • Interests

gardening, music, linguistics,

  • Why are you here?

To learn more about intentional communities, see if there are any existing that might be a fit for, and/or how to start one if I cannot find a suitable one


Hi! My name is Jake. I make efforts to live more self sufficiently and in harmony with nature but certain qualities of living in standard society have left me wanting. Wanting to waste not, grow more, use more efficienly, and make cool things. Those are my best sources of dopamine. I hope to meet like minded individuals.

I live in upstate NY but I am open to relocation. I can cook for quantities, I make music, im a programmer and a carpenter. I hope at least two of those can be of use haha

I am totally new to this so any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time,


Hi, Iā€™m Connie, I am from southwestern Virginia, and have recently obtained land in KY and am just getting back into this lifestyle. I know there is a better way of living, and Iā€™m trying to make that possible.


Hello Adam, I also loved living in San Francisco, am now planning an IC focused trip south of the border to see how itā€™s done there. Would like to revisit Panama, always enjoy Mexico, and places in between. Your post is Feb 22, if in Dec 23 still thinking of CR travel, shout out.


Hello all, Iā€™m Kat.
I currently live in Missouri with my son(5), though Iā€™m open to elsewhere. I would live to find a great community to join.
I havenā€™t really had much experience with community, so I understand that it would be a big adjustment. I just feel that there is something more than the disjointed existence that is being sold to us.
I have a bachelorā€™s degree in agriculture and several years experience in growing food crops. I have an interest in fiber farming for income and use.
If there are any great communities out there looking for some expertise in growing food or fiber, please feel free to message me.


Howdy! Iā€™m Lyssa (she/her) and I live near Portland, Oregon with my two teenagers and cat. Iā€™m here to start an intentional community that will change the world :wink:

I donā€™t yet live in an intentional community because I havenā€™t found any that meet my needs (low cost, kid-friendly, reliable internet available) but Iā€™m actively on the lookout! Hit me up if you know a place in Oregon! My dreams of building an intentional community are centered around helping society, and humanity, heal from the damage capitalism has inflicted upon it by taking care of caregivers. Iā€™ll talk your ear off about the downstream mental health effects when caregivers are chronically burnt out, but suffice to say I genuinely believe we can turn this dumpster fire of a society around if we start by supporting caregivers. Iā€™ll create a separate post for my community plans, if youā€™d like to learn more!

My special talents are wide, and varied! I have a bachelorā€™s in Psychology and lifelong special interest in human development, interpersonal communication, mediation, and trauma within the brain/nervous system. Iā€™m skilled at sewing, crochet, cooking for large groups, gardening, laying tile, lockpicking, puzzles, and most creative endeavors. Iā€™d love to increase my skill at archery, woodworking, blacksmithing, and hydroponic gardens!

Iā€™d love to connect with anyone else who shares similar goals or ideas, or anyone interested in offering advice or help to my community plans!


Hi everyone,
My name is Will Powers, Iā€™m from Philadelphia and Iā€™m part of a group trying to start an ecovillage in the New Jersey or Eastern Pennsylvania area.
If youā€™re also interested in starting a community in that general area, Iā€™d love to hear from you here. You can also check us out and contact us through our website at and our Meetup group (Ecovillage New Jersey Meetup).
I hope this forum helps facilitate connections with those hoping to build a community in the Mid-Atlantic region of the US.


Hello All,
My name is Deborah. I live in western Massachusetts and am forming a tiny community.
I have been thinking about intentional communities for years and have now begun the process of forming one. In short, I want to form a not-for-profit organization that will own the properties and those of us who decide to form community will purchase shares, which is technically a type of coop. I believe that equal ownership is important, which is why I am willing to give up ownership of my home.
I own two houses, the one I live in has 5 bedrooms and 2 living rooms, and is undergoing some minor updates. The other house has 4 bedrooms and a tiny post office taking up one room on the first floor and paying rent. It is a rural setting, on a reservoir and next to conservation land.
I am a scientist, have 2 cats and one dog. I used to have chickens, but my work travel has made it hard to keep chickens.
I am looking for a couple of people to join me as founding member-owners, shape our vision for community living and think about expanding over time.


Hi Tori, you might be interested in our Ecovillage NJ group. Look us up or check out our Meetup group.

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Hello world!

My nameā€™s Hayden and I want to build ecovillages. I used to run a construction company and got sucked down the rabbit hole of permaculture and green building and now all I want to do is build homesteads and be peaceful and mostly, relax (+ eat tasty food)

I have this dream of building a network of urban and rural homesteads, so anyone who wants can go live somewhere nice, grow and eat tasty food and really, do whatever it is that they would prefer. I know this exists already with wwoofing and workaway ā€“ but it seems that there is always a money struggle (because we are volunteering).

I have some ideas, and would love to hear yours, but think if each homestead is set up with a farm, restaurant and some little cabins to rent ā€“ it should be profitable, and you should be able to pay the ā€œvolunteersā€ who help run it.

I want to find and connect with other dreamers and doers and in general, people like me, who want to make the world a better place. Feel free to send me a message here or drop a comment below.



Hello this is Brad of Brad Magic Space, Friendly, Magical and Socialable Gentleman, looking and expecting to meet like minded, and friendly, loving, caring, individuals who are sincere, magical, intelligent, easy to get along with, hospitable, and trustworthy,

[Attracting Money to Brad Baymon, and bradmagicspacex|230x500]


Hey Hayden, what area are you in? Curious if your interested in pursuing these ideas in the Northeast U.S.