Rethinking the Future of Intentional Communities

Given the increasingly dramatic impacts of climate change, economic collapse, and social inequality, intentional communities are set to become models for how humans can live high-quality and low-impact lives together. The world will be looking at us! This scenario raises two questions for us, both as individuals and as communities:

  • Who will we need to be then? And
  • How will we get from here to there?
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Say it outloud!
What will you eat today? Who grew and harvested it?
(Giant corps and refugees?)
Sitting indoors w a screen is the climate problem. The first world over.
Gardens are The Oasis. Takes hands and time.
I post here. Zero response , uh, you too
Now you can pay online to talky talky read all about it.
This is not a 2 Dimensional problem.
Everyone can help a gardener near them. 3D
No time to buy land and start a farm.
Make friends at the Farmers Mkt !
Best to you
Ic directory- Extinction Rebellion


Hi there!
Weā€™ve just created a new topic sharing links & resources from the Rethinking the Future of Intentional Community Webinar.
Take a look and share any additional resources here: Links & Resources from Rethinking the Future of ICs webinar

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Matching AND transporting those who are able and willing to the places which need the able and willingā€¦ thatā€™s one thing.

The other is becoming political. The Human Race will continue to be gaslighted by the 1% as long as We continue to allow b them to do so. We CAN overcome their control, but ittā€™s going to take more than a bunch of atomized ICs

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Positive Futures ā€¦ - Add: ā€œISE hasa purdy gudā€™un"

I believe I left that there.
Follow the link, peruse the site for more info. I
thought U hada bit of VT history 8^ 0
No? okā€¦ Hereā€™s more:

  • -cf

Daniel Greenberg replied to a suggestion in the following document

Positive Futures Systems Mapping

1 suggestion

Chad (
ā€¢ 1:55 AM, Oct 16
Add: ā€œSorry, Iā€™d save some work & just draft in Social Ecology in whole as the socioeco-political-economicā€¦ā€
In Community.

  • -BroChad____________________________________________-

Daniel Greenberg

ā€¢ 6:44 PM, Oct 16 (UTC)
Thanks Chad.
Can you point to a summary of Social Ecology I can review?

We are raising our children by homeschooling. And we have about another 40 children who come here every Monday and Tuesday, year around, for Farm School/homeschool. Something we teach is diction, spelling, debate, language use, use of completed ideas, and such. ~Seems some of those skills might be useful here on Forum.

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ā€˜homeschoolingā€™ with the same false ā€˜kurikulumā€™ that the lying school system uses? like moon walking, ball earth, fake wars as good?

We here at Stone Garden have had a particularly wonderful and productive Summer. Weā€™ve had many visitors from overseas and from across the U.S. Thereā€™s also lots of volunteers who come weekly. We had a terrific homeschool parents and studentā€™s picnic/potluck tonight. The kids put on a great talent show for everyone. The 5-year-olds were especially cute. Itā€™s wonderful to be able to teach so many children to not only be able to learn such fundamental skills as reading and writing and math and history, but to also be creative, curious, funny and peaceful.

We are also continuing to expand the farm museum (time period 1820 to 1900). We have every shop and every trade common to a small town 170 years ago. Just now we are finishing building a feed mill and adding on to the broom shop.

We have also had many homesteading classes this year. They include cheeses making, soap making, herb finding/growing and use, and animal husbandry. The most popular class we teach is processing animals. People really seem to like choosing their own chicken from the flock and taking it through all the stages to ready for the table. Pig and deer processing is also popular.

We currently are talking to a family from Michigan and another from Hawaii, who all would like to come here to take over all the gardens. We may be adding more cabins and smaller houses. Weā€™ll see how that goes.

You can look at our previous posting under Stone Garden. If any of this appeals, give us a call. And weā€™ll set up a visit. There is room for more. We particularly value communication skills and peacefulness.

Jim & Laura and nine children and others.
Stone Garden Farm & Village

Define ā€œfalse curriculumā€ as it pertains to educating oneā€™s own children?

the ā€˜kurikulumā€™ of the govt system is used in ā€˜homeschoolingā€™ no? why not just teach them what you believe to be true within you? you donā€™t have to be bullied into any false ajenda/ejukeishon or brainwashing/mind kontrol/patriotism