A new vision? Some simple thoughts on how We can get People into communities

Trying something different here. Is it possible for a group of Us to actually join together and make an offer to an existing community to help “populate” it? Or “network” in such a way that those who DO INDEED wish to “intentional community” their respective lives, and who merely are “penniless”, but have the passion, knowledge, and physical ability to maintain a community, find each other, and get together.

Or, even better… create an actual organization that works to match those “without” with those “with”. The current “system” is not working, IMHO

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk lol

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There are multiple issues here… first and formost being this website is structured like its from 1995 and is horrible to navigate. There seems to be no way to connect with others of like mindset other than this basic forum setup. And the IC community is broken into many many small subsets that have very different ideas and no way to find those of the same mindset.

Unfortunately most “international communities” are basically a mini city that grows a garden and maybe raise a few animals. They have multiple “branches” of government and committees… ect

They have already or you must build a modern style home in their designated housing development. You must pay an entrance fee, pay a modern rent, contribute too the “community” and 9 times out of ten, hold down a real job as well (usually off site or remotly) to pay said rent, groceries. Car payment ect, ect. You will be basically moving to a new “city” with a community garden.

And on top of that, you will have to find one that meshes with your beliefs. A lot of ICs are founded around hippy,dei,single gender, religious, or woke philosophys or a mix of theses. I havent found a single community yet, that sets all these modern social group ideas aside and actually focuses on the living the old ways off the land with natural materials away from social stereotypes.

It absolutely amazes me the number of videos i watch of homesteading or ICs that surround themselves with PLASTICS, gas powered equipment, and fertilizers :*(
Not a hand tool in sight.

Anyways i digress. Good luck on your journey, i hope you find what you are looking for!


There is a website that focuses on matching those seeking community with each other, based on 28 key questions about compatibility of values and community purpose. It’s aim is to not overlap with the functions of the site hosting this forum, but to complement what the FIC offers. Because its purpose is forming a founder’s group, it doesn’t have a function of advertising property, so it’s avoiding allegations of fair housing law violation. This means, for example, that people who want to group with others who have young children can find each other and set up a type of schooling they all agree on, without fear of accusations of discrimination. It’s free, and members can state if they have limited income and/or are looking for a work trade. Check it out at ICmatch.org.

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Have you heard of & looked into the Homestead act/laws & properties? There are many wrongfully claimed by business owners & building renters; yet removing them isn’t what needs to happen - including them continues the opprotunities. There are also places abamdoned and reclaimed by nature, such as Chicago Il - rebuilding those palces with barter systems, grants and etc… would be sagacious & help remove homeless communities & repairing purposes. Compatibilities are just as important as community congruencies; not[h] compatible tends to cause chinks (obviously noth the nonexistant derogatory). Noth compatible with the physical qorks needeth completions, just being there during &/or aft (sagaciously; however obvious) is just as important as the physicalities.:love_you_gesture:

Don’t forget Money. Need prob 1/2 million $.$. To start.
Don’t forget Health and willingness to pick up a shovel and grow food. Can you? How “Primitive “ are you?
We offer room & board for farm participation. Rare to get any response ( recently a promo advert! )
If someone can farm and live within their mean let me know. Big class issue.

I’m looking for something in MN that won’t require me to pay a percentage of mine unearned income illegally. I hath at lease a decent start on mine knowledges of growing plants, yet still deep in the learnings. Noth necessarily needeth a shovel or a hoe IOT plant/sow a garden; especially if yi forest garden (a rather large compost community). If done right, indoor gardening is possible - I recommended noth spacious spreading plants, or large numbers of fruits/veggies. If affordable were affordable, we’d all be able to “live within our means”; buying ingredients vs preprepared meals would stretch our pennies better - noodles & rice stretch meals for days. Root cellars are beneficial storing meals & meats (as be their design); likely less work for appliances of cooler storages. We worry about false “best [if used] by” & expiration dates of foods, we’re manipulated & molested noth to prepare for any emergency or lack of else traverse (season reasonings). Primitive & being able to survive don’t exactly correlate in the last several eras; if we hadn’t technology, they’d likey. It’s rare for any to respond to our posts because we’re noth exactly known well in our sporadic areas, or however lack of interests regardless of word of mouths.
Mine work ethics & motivations aren’t going to match many expectations even though many might say I’m a hard worker; noth knoweth what work needs done, regardless of observations & side mentions of needs, I’m noth going to knoweth I’m needed to help. I also hath differ work hours & physiological needs & self care attendings; I’ll lilely needeth a compatible crew/team to work with so as to ensure accountabilities in accomplishments & work completions. There are, as redundant to any previouses, many work/chore categories I [noth] knoweth of compatibility; asset, or liability?
Many ideas as to how I want to help build [a/other] communit[y/ies].:love_you_gesture: