Introduce yourself and meet others

Are you still active and seeking? There are so few of us in Oklahoma so I am trying to get a few together even just for a coffee.

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["American Refugee Community" ARC - Foundation for Intentional Community]
new ic!

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Hello everyone!

My name is Madison, a 28 year-old woman, and Iā€™m currently living in Wisconsin. While I donā€™t live in an intentional community at the moment, Iā€™m very eager to learn more about them and eventually join one.

My experience with community living is somewhat limitedā€”Iā€™ve done WWOOFing, which gave me a taste of communal work and living, but other than that, Iā€™m a bit of a newbie in this space.

In terms of special talents, I dabble in art and enjoy singing (though Iā€™d say Iā€™m only sort of good at it). My real passion lies in homesteading and sustainable farming, with a particular focus on pastured poultry.

Iā€™m here because I want to learn more about intentional communities, connect with like-minded people, and hopefully find a community that aligns with my values and interests.

Iā€™m excited to be part of this forum and look forward to getting to know everyone!

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I feel for you. I hope you can find your community. I want to say, without a single doubt in my soul, YOU ARE LOVED and you have a purpose, and you have people, you just havenā€™t found them, yetā€¦ NEVER STOP LOOKING!!! I too have felt unwanted and like a cog in the machine, but now I find purpose in spending all my waking hours trying to build community, because I am so confident my kind of people are out there, and they are looking for me too. In fact, a lot of people here on this very website are ideal friends/family, the internet just has this crazy way of bringing us together, just to remind us how far apart we areā€¦You are not alone, please never forget that! and if you are in Oregon ever, come say hello, we would love to meet you!! And please donā€™t forget to smile, find things to be happy about, remind yourself that your people are waiting for you, you just need to find them - so keep looking!

Much much much love,


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Nice to meet you Madison, and welcome to IC! Weā€™re all one big family, the more you interact, the more you make ICorg alive, so donā€™t be shy! There are tons of really cool podcast and other forum post to look into. There are tons of resources if you look hard enough. Reach out if you ever need anything


So hear me out. Your focus on the internet and all the evil news it bears is making you ignorant to the earth and how you are a part of it. Perhaps if you ā€œignoredā€ (in terms of the root of ignorant) the internet and all ā€œthe terrible thingsā€ it contains for a bit, youā€™d learn something about the earth how youā€™re a part of it.
What I mean is that we find what we seek, and we answer what we ask. Look for something different and youā€™ll find something different. Ask yourself different questions and youā€™ll produce different answers. We all need to turn our focus back to the earth and what it means to us as humans, as well as what it means to be human and how that relates to the earth.
We are not mother natureā€™s mistake; we are in fact the steward species of the entire earth. We have just misplaced our focus and finding it again will not happen if we are seeking something else.
Stop concerning yourself with the actions of other people. Get outside and remind yourself what it means to be human and what is actually important to the human experience. Itā€™s much simpler than you may think, you just have to look for it.

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Salutations members of this forum. I am pleased to introduce myself, you may call me Mac. Currently I reside in a very metropolitan area of Canada, just inside of Ontario.
Unfortunately I am confused as to the meaning of ā€˜ā€˜what are your skills in communityā€™ā€™ and what it entails. If I am to assume, ā€˜ā€˜experienceā€™ā€™ in the ā€˜ā€˜intentionalā€™ā€™ sense in relation to community, then, none.
As far as special talents go. There are none I would denote as ā€˜ā€˜specialā€™ā€™.
The current interests I am undertaking are simply towards personal growth. For Mind, and its expressions.
I present myself in this forum in hopes of connecting with information and individuals with whom can assist in directions that can be undertaken to re-establish balance of self. Away from the machinations of ā€˜ā€˜normalā€™ā€™ societal living.

It is in hopes that I am able to move from outside the country of Canada, establishing myself in a community from here, featured. Geographically, past the Atlantic.

Much obliged to learn and to converse. Thank you IC for this opportunity.

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You can call me Hunebadger (Honey Badger)
I currently live in Des moines Iowa. I am not in an intentional community.
I have no experience.
My background is in IT.
I was locked up for about 18 months.
During my time in the prison system I learned a lot. First that we can spend a lot of time sitting and find out a lot about ourselves and the world around us. I got out wanting something different.
I would like to be somewhere that love and compassion are more favorable than the ability to steal from the beings around us. While I am finishing this life cycle I would like to live better with people who would like to live better as well.

Working hard is something I value as well as trying to reduce the suffering of all sentient beings. I think that becoming nomadic and living as close to nature as possible is the way to do that.

Hello, My name is Maryalice Rocha, My partners name is Hector Romero. We are two open spirits struggling to find our place in this world. We are different in many ways and even when it comes to each other we are different. He is my partner because I chose to love him and vise versa. But different in so many ways. We are looking for any one looking for any people who are interested in volunteering time to contribute to any needs of building, growing, planting, cleaning earths environment, in exchange for a living space for two me and my partner. I am 39 years old and my partner is 35 years old we love living in the outdoors and are nature junkies we struggle to survive in the cities they are to toxic and fast I have plenty skills in all areas of life as so does he. I am a celestial being and I love to shine the light as itā€™s hard for me to hide it anywhere I go. I love to create the most beautiful crystal hand crafted jewelry I make one in a lifetime creations but have yet to find the right location and or community to help grow my vision. I have an issue a legal one but I am not a trouble maker itā€™s due to a injury thatā€™s all I could say. We have limited monetary resources but this is only for a while until my case comes to an end in the first week of the beginning of the year. I am disabled but still can function in many ways, to contribute plenty of many of ways. If that makes sense. My partner is a gardener and loves plants and making life with more life. We are quiet and to ourselves hardly anyone understands us our family and friends look at us like we are weird from another planet well I am but he is still in denial. Anyways thatā€™s neither here nor there. We are looking for understanding people who are able to share a bit of there property to reside on up until the first week of 2025 please if you are able to accommodate our needs which we are willing to live camping outside in a tent or if anyone has other options for our needs thatā€™s great but I would like to think I am a minimalist and I study a lot of stoicism I am a creator I am a fast learner and my gift of discernment is just wonderful. we would just need a helping hand and will be in no oneā€™s way unless we will be called upon for project helping and ect. We are in Odessa Texas now. But have only been here one month. We are looking to reside back home in California in the northern area of Sacramento CA. But are willing to take the help of anyone that is interested in our path of our lifeā€™s journey we are currently embarking upon. Thank you for your time and thank you for your allowing us to share a bit about us and what we are looking for. Have a blessed and abundant everyday of your life. Love, Maryalice & Hector.


I am a 23y/o from Phoenix, an environmental specialist, and joined to connect with likeminded people about car-free/urban living and affordable housing. I hope to learn more about co-ops and cohousing.

Hi everyone! Iā€™m Rachel, currently living in Brooklyn NY and looking to relocate to either SF Bay or Toronto Canada. Iā€™m currently not in an intentional community and am very interested in finding a group of other women to find a small scale (i.e. 6 people max?) collective with.

My talents are in building software as a UX designer but have experience in project management and thinking of how we can build a collective home together. Iā€™m very much of the ā€˜liberal preppingā€™ mindset and hope to find others who are thinking about how to prepare for the future, have a garden, thinking collectively on mutual aid, and how to connect with other communities to help.

If youā€™re a woman over the age of 35 and interested, definitely happy to speak more! Thank you!

Hi Madison
What kind of woofing were you doing. ? Big farm here. Lotsa volenteers say they love it but upon arrival, donā€™t, and misrepresent themselves.
Lots to do here . Let me know if interested
In directory as Extinction Rebellion

Best to you

Hi Donnie

Hope youā€™re doing great.
My name is Alissa, and Iā€™m here with my twin sister, her two children, and my girlfriend. Originally from Switzerland, with my girlfriend from Mexico, we are on a journey to find a community that aligns with our deep respect for Mother Earth and our commitment to living sustainably and harmoniously.

With healthcare backgrounds, both my sister and I have developed a strong passion for healing and natural medicine. Weā€™re eager to expand our knowledge of sustainable living, including growing our own food, raising animals such as cows, goats, chickens, and incorporating cats and dogs into our family life. Our dream is to live closely with nature and be part of a community that shares this way of life.

My girlfriendā€™s extensive knowledge of astrology adds a unique dimension to our approach, helping us stay connected to the natural cycles and energies around us. Additionally, we want to raise our children with a Waldorf-style education, emphasizing creativity, connection to the earth, and holistic development.

We live consciously, avoiding plastic and using sustainable solutions like our own water machine. We are looking for a community where we can contribute our skills, learn together, and raise our children in an environment that supports peace, healing, and growth. If this resonates with your community, weā€™d love to explore how we can grow and contribute together.

How is it going with your community?
Are you still seeking for new members?

Wish you a wonderful night.