I’m a doer, I love figuring out how to build or fix something, and if I don’t know how, I will not stop looking it up until I do. I paint and draw, write, self taught drummer and known butcher of songs on karaoke. It’s pretty basic. I’m just looking for like-minded people who want to build or have already established a community of folks that respect and trust each other and will have each other’s back when things get rough. I can get along with just about anybody. I will search until I find something I like about them and focus on what we have in common rather than any of our differences because that’s the only way forward and I believe in going forward. I’m meant to Buddhism and I like to study languages and learn new skills as many as possible. I’m also a dab hand at cooking. i’ve always dreamed of some sort of communal living or intentional community for many years now I finally decided to stop dreaming about it and start taking some action because that’s the only way things happen. I believe in a wide tolerance and acceptance of diverse people, and that the only way we learn is about hanging out with people that are different from us and sometimes even disagree with us as long as it’s done in a productive manner. It’s the only way to grow.