Housing/Room For Rent Availability

Unknown where to place this, @admins.
Hoping for works in progress about this topic. Posting availabilities for those in need of a place to/for rent (ISOs & for rent by ____s). Any obviousies to be the poster’s responsibility to remove as soon as fulfilled; aware of phishings/whalings/snares/etc… Yard roomages count for those of us be vagabonds & in needeth of safe/secured places to sleep ((noth violations of landlord/tenant laws) still advised to “call fore yi[z] dig” for the tent securements). Tree/club house dwellments noth either violate (obviousies & accuracies). Please also ensure to follow local Goodsamaritan, Common, Natural, & sensical laws; “needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many; the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few”. I also foresee discussion branchings of defencements & protectments. Those renting out might hath an obligation to advertise programs/assistances utilized/accepted; it is illegal to require the searcher to post publicly their participations; accountabilities & educatements, with[out] redundancies. We also need to do our best noth to help too much to/of the point that hurts those helping. (More likely to follow - work in progress)

I wonder if you wrote in a bit more understandable English, if it would help you accomplish your goals. You have posted so many things, and I haven’t understood any of them. I suppose you must think your writings are some kind of something special. There must be a point. But really, it’s just not working. I like to see people be successful. I like folks to be happy and fulfilled. But they have to be clear about what they are seeking. Without that, nobody knows who you are and what you want. If you are not able to do that, perhaps you could get a friend (or maybe someone at a local school or library) to help you rewrite, spell check, clarify, before you post.

Community ISO/INO
A home to rent; Saint Cloud (or natural parts of, or Northern) MN. If present = still looking.
Homeless; looking for something in MN (hopefully closer toward N MN). Preferably a 2 bed & bath; something that won’t require me to pay a percentage of mine unearned income illegally. Large enough yard for gardening (hopefully more than a couple acres). A dwelling wlling to separate from local electric system[s], noth afaid of local creature care (strays, fosters, & etc…), noth afraid of beneficial indoor/outdoor consructions (storages, creature gym[ment]s, raised/hanging gardenings, etc…).
I do mine best to be helpful, positive, kind, & encouraging. I cannoth afford much; I can barely afford “affordable housing” with any number of utilities even if be of 0… No companions of any species living with me, no vehicle nor valid license (by way of extention to MN 171.07, an out of state ID), & currently unemployed. I can be rather handy around differ items & can be artistical. Noth against helping start/rebuild a community, nor however maintain. Forest, ability to dig, garden, build natural dwellings/other buildings, & other etc projects… be what seeketh mine of interest. I’m an experimental cook, & prefer natural consumptions; omnivore/polyvore, noth that afraid of insect[ivoric] ingredients (diverse palette willing to accept new menues & cuisines; many distastes & avoidances (however obvious)). I love marinading [with alcohol], & hate being restricted (excluding diets, allergies, other obviouses, & etc…) when cooking (strong refusal acquiring food handlers’ card). Little to no furniture, depending on movements, & (if in same building, or other applicables) tend to plan ahead & bulk acquire.
Likely more to follow. Thank yiz in advance. God[s] bless/speed!!:love_you_gesture:

Respectively, respectfully, & kindfully; i have an American English/writing & else educations. They ways I write are of the elder English jibs (likely shy/distant frome Welsh), whence/where from our American English is based/branched. I utilze the similies/parallels of words & place them against our learnings for my expressions. If you were of British English, &/or expressing within the elder jibs, you’d likely have less problems folowing mily rhythms & flows. My goals seem to be achieved the same regardless as to how i write requests; American teachings, or variable accurate word palcements. “I suppose you must think your writings are some kind of something special.” is rather bullying and belittleing; you likely need to revisit the history of our English & other languages; Shakespeare, Hemmingway, Edgar Allen Poe, & many Angalo Saxon writings. You don’t have the authority to identify what writing styles/jibs not accurately work - just because you don’t understand whats being said (even if it’s baby gibberish) doesn’t mean someone else can’t. From observations, none of us really know whom each other are (obviousies & accuracies). I, respectively & respectfully, refuse to express in ways that others think I need to, otherwise why not have a single language… (that would also remove sign language)? Not that it’s anyones’ business; my writing skills have multiply been tested at hagher than a college graduate - I love words almost as much as food.
Thank you for your insight & advices. Please do your best to open your mind better to self expressions & historical versions of languages, dialects, jibs, & etc… There’s no such thing as a dead language, just less commonly spoken/expressed/utilized/etc… Reading the elder printings (the Christian Bible perhap) could also help with such understandings; Asian, European, Irish, & Scottish languages continue to utilize the elder jibs; with the direct translations (without rearrangements) you’ll likely identify why many misinterpretations be into English languages aft rearranging. Yi & ye are individual & grouped of “you”; yiz = y’all/you all. God[s] bless/speed!!:love_you_gesture:

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Do as you wish. Write as you will. But if you do, there will always the question, “What the heck does that mean?”. So good luck. And best wishes. And who knows, maybe someday you’ll find a community that speaks “elder English jib”. ~Whatever that is.

Respectfully & kindfully; I’m already aware of many communities that continue to speak the elder jibs of many languages; redundantly, the other nations within direct (rather than rearranged) interpretations of their languages. Welsh & British Englishes being at least two of them.
If noth to ask questions for proper understandings, misinterpretations will continue to reflect; as observed in American English & Writing class teachings. Paying attention to the similes, literals, parallels, & etc… it’s likely easy to follow the conversation. Restrictions of self [chosen] expression, as long as it makes sense somewhere/somehow, only promote manipulation & control. I doubt there’s any whom noth understand mine phrasings. Jib is the way any choose to expree/express their words; however artistical.
If this conversation was to see what kind of person I can be; noth only be it extremely inaccurate, identified [likely] as a setup, test, & trap - illegal interaction.:love_you_gesture: