Anticapitalist community life?

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Hi Kyra,
I am not certain if you already have a land, but if not do you think we could cooperate?
I don’t call the initiative anti-capitalist, but I think it is fitting in every element of it. I think I am just more inclined to be pro something than anti. But I think the idea is similar.
The main focus of the community is Sustainable living, and within that mostly Natural building and Permaculture. The community has no entry fee and the at the end of the 12 months “Social Experiment” period the land and all assets on the land will go into the non-profit organization that will be controlled by the residents, as members of the board. Please check out the details here:
Thank you and good luck

Very well put b-rab! Not to mention you get extra points for offering two separate examples. Haha.

I prefer “Not Exploited By Any Of The Leisure Class, Nor By Any Other Ghoul Who Dares To Try”, but I realize that’s pretty long-winded, so I usually just say “Eat The Rich”, for kicks.

I don’t want to get “too” into it here/right now, BUT… I do believe that ANY alternative to the Status Quo is a step in the right direction. Call it what you may, but indeed We are going to need MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of “AntiCapitalists”, anti-capitalists, anarchists, “Communists”, communists, communalists, collectivists, “Socialists”, socialists, and all the rest, in order to abolish Capitalism once and for all. Let’s do this!
“Capitalism Has Got To Go”

steps off soap box


Capitalism is Evil. That was the message emblazoned on the sign held high by Anna, a young activist, as she marched alongside thousands of like-minded people through the streets of downtown Jakarta. They were all united in their belief that the status quo needed to change, and change fast. For too long, the rich had gotten richer while the poor struggled to make ends meet. The time for change had come, and they were all determined to make it happen.
Anna had been involved in the anti-capitalist movement for years now. She had read every book, attended every protest, and spent countless hours debating the merits of different economic systems with anyone who would listen. She knew that capitalism was the root of all evil, and she was committed to doing everything in her power to see it replaced with something better.
That’s why she was thrilled when her friend, Jaya, invited her on a Bali tour organized by a group of like-minded individuals who shared her passion for social justice. The tour promised to be an immersive experience that would allow them to learn more about the Balinese culture, connect with local activists, and deepen their understanding of the issues facing Indonesia.
As they arrived in Bali, Anna felt a sense of excitement and anticipation that she hadn’t felt in a long time. They spent their first few days exploring the island, visiting temples, trying new foods, and soaking up the sun on the beach. But it wasn’t all fun and games. They also attended workshops and meetings where they discussed the shortcomings of capitalism and brainstormed ways to leave the status quo behind.
One of the most eye-opening experiences was a visit to a small village where the locals were struggling to make ends meet. They were farmers, and they had been hit hard by the influx of cheap imports that flooded the market thanks to globalization. The group learned about the challenges they faced and how they were working together to find creative solutions to improve their lives. Anna was inspired by their resilience and determination in the face of adversity.
As the Bali tour came to a close, Anna felt more energized and motivated than ever before. She had met incredible people, learned so much, and felt like she was part of a movement that was making a difference. She knew that leaving the status quo behind and building a new world wasn’t going to be easy, but she was ready to take on the challenge.

As she boarded her flight back to Jakarta, Anna thought about everything she had seen and experienced over the past week. She was more convinced than ever that capitalism was evil and that it had to go. But she also knew that change wasn’t going to happen overnight. It was going to take a lot of hard work, dedication, and sacrifice. But that was a price she was willing to pay if it meant creating a world that was more just and equitable for everyone.

The Bali tour had been a life-changing experience for Anna. She felt more connected to the global struggle for social justice than ever before. And she was determined to do her part to help build a better world, one where capitalism was a thing of the past.

It would be super interesting to read about how commenters on this topic define capitalism, anti-capitalism and what would be the main principles of a society/community that was proposed in the original posting.

I do not believe it is “correct” for one class of people to exploit another class of people. This is the very root of what capitalism is. One class “owns” most everything, and the other class must sell their labor to the other class in order to merely survive. Yet, the capitalist class would not be able to build their wealth and power without the working class. Anti-capitalism is literally not working to enable the capitalist class.

What it is going to take is the education of the masses on the nature of this system. Of course, the ruling class/status quo has done, and is still doing, an EPIC job in fooling the working class in this regard. They use all their wealth and power to propagandize and gaslight the masses.

Further, this system requires the use of, and even REWARDS, the actions of those who can truly be labeled “evil”.

The future of Humanity literally hinges on enough of us figuring this arrangement out, become hyper aware of it, and the lot of us working together (FIGHTING even) to ensure such “evil” is contained/subdued, and society is structured in ways that do not reward it.

See “The Matrix” but look at it where the People in the pods are the masses (workers) IRL, and the machines are the ruling class IRL, and that “machine” uses the power it has to literally fool and lul those People into a false reality. (Yes, that IS what those movies are about, among other things)

I am intersted in your vision
I am on ssi and against capitalism, where can i learn more

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Kyra, I am very interested in the sort of community you describe. I am part of a non-profit organization, so property taxes are not much of a problem. We are in central texas, on 63 acres of rural land --permaculture and agriculturally oriented.

where are you located?
Gracy, Hearthfire Farm

I was involved in a Ubuntu community but it turned out they were just as selfish as normal society. I think we need to have a local currency because that would change the motivation of people. And train us to think in terms of issuing the currency ourselves through our own production (ie: work) A gifting economy wouldn’t work because we need things when we need things, not when someone is prepared to gift it to us. We have to relearn how to be the issuers of the currency and as we do that we will be actually changing the infrastructure back to local instead of global. Then we can go to a no money system. But I really cannot see it happening until we transition everything we need back to local, like it used to be in the days prior to industrialization.