Anyone Here Part of a Resident-Owned-Community (ROC, as in a mobile home park that is collectively owned by the residents rather than a landlord or corporation)? Does this count as an Intentional COmmunity?

I’m assuming this would count as an intentional community, of the cohousing variety. It seems like it could be a good fit for us because the cost is lower than a lot of ventures would be for us, things are already established and we could join in and get added to the collective land LLC, there are a few of them in our county, in suburb cities like we prefer living in, and I know at least one of them is within good public transit range (my disabilities prevent me from driving, so public transit (or a perfect rideshare system) is manditory for me).

I think the negatives for us would be: There won’t be clear values and goals in common so it may not feel as “intentional” as other types of intentional communities, and there will likely be less in the way of commonhouse, sharing, shared governence, etc.

Does anyone live in a ROC presently, or has lived in one in the past, and can tell me more?

Sorry, not me (from experience). But I have studied them a bit, and met w/their regional leaders. I can give U my take on them (part of the affordable housing movement, part of the land rights, part of…, part of… and many more). And U can put that in the mix w/my other follow-up post to ur own (“utopia”). For me reality is socially defined (may B more later, but I get more from dialogue - 2 way conversation of give’n get, then just my own observation, self talk and witnessing). And therefore might B of use.

Somewhat similar to Dancing Rabbit (residents originally moved there from several triple deckers in 1 neighborhood thousand mi away) there is a naturally occurring gathering into a neighborhood. Who can say Y… the place has been in the local conversation, gotten a good rap. May B it is affordable, hip, has lots of commodities, has renown vid artists there - or a combo of some/all of these. So there IS a lill ‘community of the mind’ - so to say. Something they share (mostly affordability). But not w/some- thing as a main goal. Ppl decide to stay there, ppl have to stay there for economic reasons (ROC) - people want to stay there cuz they like the neighbors, location, use of the trailer lot as they own the trailer & it will not B moving. They face a crisis - the land owner tries to close down the place &/or asks them to all move out, the place is sold - no 1 knows what the nxt owner will B like, etc. (To me an even bigger ‘share’). Next ROC hears about the change and offers assistance. Or the local leader or grp of residents contacts ROC for assistance. After taking part in the ROC Program they have met affiliates around the country doing the same thing. This creates the expanded sense of community (like FIC, F. of Egalitarian Communities, (international) Emissaries (of Devine Light), etc). So in an expanded sense ROC can become the intention of the community participating w/in and w/o the specific community. /OR/ once they buy it - it is like a coho unit, planning. “What R we gunna do (different) w/this place. We own it now.” (or HOA). HTH~

The bottom line, no pun intended, is that we’re likely never going to be able to buy a unit in an existing cohousing setting, because they cost a lot. And since a modular house is something we possibly could someday afford, and the land is owned as an LLC, I’m hoping such a setting could meet my need for intentional community, especially if I can get on the board and gently nudge things closer to that perspective overtime, more park/wide events, groups, etc.

Sure I’d love to either find a founding group for my ideas, or be part of someone similar’s founding group, but again the reality of that is that everything in life costs soooooooo much money, so in the end an ROC may be the closest I can get, and I think I might be able to be okay with that.

Anyone who is part of one, feel encouraged to chime in and share your experiences.

Hello, My partner and I are currently living in an RV co-op in Southern California. It is Not our dream intentional community but it is quite inexpensive (we own our trailer) and has lots of shared things, like laundry, big kitchen, pool, gym, community garden, library. It’s surrounded by conservation land in the hills about 2000 ft up. North east of San Diego. It was started over 30 years ago and most of the founders have died. There are a bunch of rules or traditions that could be problematic and not what we want for a long-term place, like it’s over 55. You can’t have a tiny house; it has to be an RV. There are plenty of progressive people who are super welcoming to us (queer women) but there’s only one other gay couple and hardly any people of color. There is no selection process so anyone can come, and while we hope it gets more diverse, there’s no way to know.
The governing process seems democratic with boards and committees and the volunteerism here is high. That said, there are people who have been “in charge” of x committee for years.
Definitely pros and cons, although a beautiful spot while we attempt to find a community that’s more ideal for us long term.
Let me know if you have any further questions! Constance

Thanks so much for sharing about your location with me. Sounds like there are pros and cons, like most things. I’ve recently found some potential cofounders, so we’ll see what can happen. I’ll probably hang onto the idea of an ROC park as my plan B for if these things don’t work out, but right now there are six of us, possibly 7, so I’m feeling hopeful we can create community.

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Well I’m starting to feel like plan B is a good idea. My group had our first meeting and I’m feeling overwhelmed at the risk of trying to buy land with others, as most first-time homebuyer programs don’t allow for collaborative efforts like this, as well as the fact that founding will be a massive undertaking and I don’t know if me and my neurodivergent brain can truly handle that stress level. I have to be realistic, and my husband, though he likes the idea of community, works hard during the day and doesn’t really need to work when he comes home, building houses and infastructure.

I have to break it to my cofounders that we’re stepping out and going to pursue buying a modular in the resident owned park not too far away, I checked and the busses run near there so we could do it, plus all infastructure is already in place and functioning. It may not be as exciting as a land-based community (which is what I’d want in my heart of hearts), but its tangible, possible and a reality option for us in the real world of brain differences and needs for downtime.

I’m excited about this decision, but embarassed to tell my cofounders about it, as my essay on facebook about what I dream of in community is what created our cofounding group in the first place.

N.E. usa has ROC (MA, NH). Here it’s expensive to purchse and many went to the ‘mobile homes’, trailers, etc for their affordability. ROC evolved to level the playing field (power v ‘rentors’) esp when the owner closed them out to sell the land to nother ‘landlord’ or to “knock down for a mall”, etc. Usually its a savior to the residents, not to create affordable housing. For residence B pre-paired to move here (New England) as I dont think they are widespread otherwise. Contact the national as some DO have units for rent/purchase. My bet? this prt of the country will fair better as climate change increases its furry (no place really untouched tho)…
In Community,

  • -BroChad

We’ve given up on this idea. There is a nice one in our county, but the prices for the homes are sky high, a 1980s modular home costs around $185,000 dollars, which is way higher than 1980s modular homes in standard rental parks. Regardless, we can’t afford to buy anything anytime soon, much less something which has a lifespan that won’t probably match with our own (I’m from the 1980s too haha).

So after taking a break from interest in community we’re back to considering it and learning and thinking about it again, but this time from a rental perspective since that’s realistically all we can do at this time in our lives.