We did it! The Forum is ALIVE!

WOW! The Intentional Community Forum is LIVE!

Just about two years ago, FIC Staff and volunteers got together to start building an answer to the need we were hearing from so many community participants & seekers: a place to gather, to share information, to learn, and to talk to other people in community around the world.

We are so glad that you’re here, and so happy to be building this new kind of community with you all together.

What is this discussion forum?

  • This is a place where people go from dreaming about community to doing it. Whether that looks like urban cohousing, an ecovillage, a collective farm, or something we’ve never seen before, this forum space will help you get there.
  • This is where communities thrive. This is where we share our knowledge, our resources, and our experiences to grow and strengthen communities – our own and others.
  • This is a place where we find joy in the process – we celebrate our struggles and our victories and honor our failures and starting-overs. We remind each other that we are engaged in good work, and sometimes the work is best when it is hardest.

Core Beliefs:

  • We believe that community is an abundant resource, and that together we can nourish and develop opportunities for everyone to be a part of the home that is right for them.
  • We believe that everyone has lived in community at some point and has insights to share from that experience. We believe that information about what hasn’t worked is just as important as information about what does work, or what might work. No matter what your experience is, there is someone here who can learn from your journey.
  • We believe that dreaming, building, and maintaining big things is hard work, and that it is made lighter when we connect with others engaged in that and similar kinds of work.
  • We believe that challenges and struggles in our path to community are opportunities for us to build stronger connections with our neighbors in community.
  • We believe that community is built together – no one person builds a community in isolation from other people, and no group of people builds a community in isolation from other communities.

“Our gift is to care about each other. It’s to build rafts of mutual care, and have faith that they will float.”


I’m glad this forum is here and I hope more people will realize this and start communicating here. I’m encouraging others who either live in community currently or who want to live in community to join us in here.