Seeking a community built on the principles of solidarity

Hello! My name is Raza. I am 35 years old, based in nyc. I am a neuroscientist by profession and have been living in the States for last 8 years. I have mostly been busy with my academic career but I am very passionate about sustainable, communal living. I live a minimalist life and I am actively looking for an income sharing commune built on the principle of solidarity to live in. Recently I have strongly been feeling disconnected from the problems of real world. Like every other profession science has been influenced by perverted incentives and I see careerists around, who rather than having a genuine interest in improving others lives are busy meaningless jobs. I want to experience living close to nature, involve in community building, helping others, and enjoy the beauty of life. In future I want to buy some land, build a farm, and maybe start a commune myself.
I have some debt which I am in the process of repaying. I can sustain myself but it will be great to have a feeling of belonging to a community.


Hey Raza,

I’m from Avnø Oasis ecovillage in Denmark. We here live as a closely-knit commune and work together a lot inside the community, developing a school for adults (courses on health, community life, permaculture etc) and green businesses. You’re very welcome to check us out as a guest/volunteer/student/explorer :slightly_smiling_face:

avno . org


Hello Raza. This site has info for setting up resource sharing communes. You might also connect with the Twin Oaks Conference on the East Coast as they are connected to the Federation of Egalitarian Communities, which has some income sharing communities. Here’s a link where you can find others interested, such as this profile in New York that lists resource-sharing commune as an interest.