Introduce yourself and meet others

Hi Eléonore, nice to meet you here. I am Jiejing from China and now living in an intentional community called Lifechanyuan International Family Thailand Branch. Our community is about three-hour drive from Chiang Mai. If you are interested in our community, please feel free to contact me, thanks!

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Dear all here, I’m Jiejing from China. I like the Bible and Buddha’s teachings. I believe in the Greatest Creator and Karma.I am now living in an intentional community called Lifechanyuan International Family Thailand Branch which is approximately 180 km away from Chiang Mai city and 80 km away from Chiang Rai city.

My dream is to help the founder of Lifechanyuan-Mr Xuefeng to build 256 communities of the Second Home around the world. At present, we have three branches of the community in Thailand, Canada and South Korea. We welcome those people who are interested in our community and values.


This is going to be long

My name is Dave, people call me “Tundra”, “Wolf”, or professionally, “Dave”. I am 44, male.

It is difficult to list the various enterprises I have experience in.

A short list:

Construction (Namely, plumbing, electrical, wiring, framing, concrete foundations, roofing, elevators. [dumb waiter install] Have built homes, from multi-story 8K sqft and down.)

Welding (Attended a few college courses on it)

Electronic repair: (Have repaired cell phones, computers, laptops, televisions, radios, etc.)

Automotive (Have rebuilt motors, a transmission, driveline, rear axle. )

Animal husbandry (Worked with animals my entire life, starting with rabbits and chickens. Worked with pureblood wolves for a decade. A Canadian Tundra wolf saved my life- I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for him. Hence my username. I was a wolf handler, veterinary aid, pen builder, fed, maintained, and cared for the wolves, who became Beloved to my heart. Had several deeply meaningful relationships with the Large Canines. Learned a lot! Have raised canines, felines, avians, aqueous creatures. Presently raising seven Mongolian howling terrorists- Oops- I mean puppies. Good with wound care, rehabilitation of, exotic and ‘regular’ animals. Have a positive, beneficial relationship with the mountain lions who live next to my home. I prefer to deal with wildlife in a nonviolent manner, only using violence as a (Rare) last resort. Have also dealt with venomous snakes, living in California and Arizona. Can “Tan” a snake hide well. Have been shown many things about what we call nature. I own an Andalusian stallion, with confirmed bloodline dating back unbroken 1,500 years in Spain. I have two dogs, a male Husky, and a female Akita/German Shepherd/Husky, who are both beloved to me)

Psychology (Am a student of humanity. Also a student of animal psychology. Animalia continues to teach me much about them, and myself. )

Spirituality (Former “True Believer” of an Abrahamic religion. NDE survivor, am aware there are other “things” that many humans are not aware of, or are quantified in common, that exist to life)

General repair (I continue to repair things, such as, kitchen appliances, pressure washers, engines, electric motors, etc)

Solar (I am good with electronics. I have installed solar plants from 12kW to 240W, with regulators, inverters, battery banks, up to 60kWh)

Security (Am a former counter terrorist contractor, [I cannot name my unit, but I can speak of some of the operations I was a part of.] which I did for a brief time. Was also armed security, protecting the wolves from humans. Am presently acting as armed security on a 200 acre horse ranch in Arizona, from humans, wildlife. Find the humans to be a danger n more than wildlife, the wildlife coexists with us peacefully. Once rescued a woman and her two children from human traffickers, a very rewarding experience for sure!)

Communication (Am interested in HAM radio. Some experience with interpersonal radios, CBs, linear amplifiers, and SWR meters)

Off grid living (Have limited experience digging wells. Interested in water harvesting, including rainwater. Keen on hydroelectric plants, and water purification and filtering. As a plumber I have installed several filtration units and water softeners)

Drone pilot (While not an expert, I own several drones, and find them to be invaluable in many circumstances, including scouting and security)

Bushcraft (Not an expert here. But am interested, and know a little.)

Esoteric studies (Am learning to work with light, and healing. Past life work as well. Cryptid studies, and the possibility that there may be more life out there than human and animal.)

Writer (I have written some science fiction/romance novels. I greatly enjoy it)

Machinist (I am an amateur machinist, however I do very much enjoy working with my metal lathe, and it has saved me thousands in repairs, and gunsmithing, as well as engine repair.)

Gunsmithing (Have been an amateur gunsmith since I was young. Good at trigger jobs. Know my way around a weapon. A member of the ‘mile’ club- long range shooting. I have firearms and ammunition. Also a student of the blade)

I am probably forgetting something.

I am interested in communal, intentional living. Personally, I feel like I have a lot to offer the intentional community. Would look for, meaningful relationship with community, and personal development. Open to both large and small. Willing to mentor, and teach what I know, as well as learn.

Presently, am living on a large horse ranch specializing in high-end Spanish horses, among other breeds, run by family. Am more of a wolf person than a horse person, but I get along with the horses. I am more comfortable with a pack of wolves than in a stall with a half ton horse haha. But I connect with most/all animals, including exotics and big cats. (Have a fondness for the feline, but also for the canine, equine) Some animals may find me to be intense, due to childhood circumstances I am healing from. Most animals are drawn to me magnetically, and I enjoy the company. Humans are also drawn to me, with varying results, however I am open to positive experiences.

I have built a live-in camper van, converting a family van into something I can live in, including, 500W solar, later expanded to 1kW, lead acid battery bank, 50" HDTV with surround sound and subwoofer, full pressure plumbing, septic tank and toilet, cellphone booster, wood furniture that I shaped, sanded, stained and sealed, 4x4’ sun deck, (Watching sunrises. sunsets) and heavy duty escape hatch I fabricated myself, (Able to handle a 200LB human standing on top of it) and a fiberglass topper that lets me stand up. I found happiness in that van.

Presently, building a much larger, 4x4 Chevy van, with a covered utility bed, and will have all of the amenities, including a shower. I have already extended the frame five feet, and built a custom “jig” to equally extend both sides of the frame to within 3/1000", even though GM specs were up to 3/8" off. In the end the van will have, 1,600 watts of solar panels, 10kWh lithium batteries, toilet with septic, grey water tank, electric folding bed/couch, full pressure plumbing, stove/oven, 8kW pure sine wave inverter, shower, and may even be hardened to NBC threats, including bullet resistant glass and full pressurized internal atmosphere. Will have a large sun deck for sunbathing.

I am presently at a fork in my life, with multiple “tines”. I am dipping my toes in the water, to see where my future could end up.

I have always been enamored with communal and natural/ off grid living, but I do enjoy “Glamping”.

I guess that is it. I welcome interaction. Excited to be a part of this. All paths are open to me, hoping for a positive one!

Take care, and have a good day!


What should we call you?
You may call me Shalom

Where are you living? Do you live in an intentional community now?

I currently live in the United States. I do not live in an intentional community right now but have in the past.

What are your experiences in community?

Most of my experience living in intentional community happened in my early twenties; I am now in my late thirties. I can honestly say I haven’t experienced a community that I am ready to commit to long-term.

My special talents and interests will take time to think about and list. For now my primary focus is placing a general introduction not marketing myself to communities per sa. I just want to connect in general with the community on the site for now.

Why are you here?

I am looking to find a community outside of the United States to join long-term, with the goal of staying there permanently if all goes well. My aim is to disconnect from modern society and pursue a rewilding lifestyle. Given my belief that significant changes are imminent in the near future, beginning this year, I wish to secure myself as part of a larger group to ensure survival during these times.

I am seeking a community where I can live sustainably, learn traditional skills, and connect with nature while building meaningful relationships with like-minded individuals who share similar goals and values. Ideally, this community would prioritize self-sufficiency, resilience, and cooperation over materialism and individualism.

To achieve this, I have been researching various intentional communities, eco-villages, and off-grid settlements around the world. Some key factors I’m considering include location (preferably rural or wilderness areas), accessibility, cost of living, infrastructure, governance structure, and compatibility with my personal beliefs and interests.

By joining such a community, not only will I be better prepared for potential challenges ahead but also contribute positively to a collective effort towards sustainable living and environmental stewardship. This decision represents an exciting new chapter in my life, one characterized by growth, adaptation, and deep connection with both people and place.

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My name is Nithya and I live in West Chester PA. I am looking into intentional community, here in PA.

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My name is Ivy and I use she/her pronouns.
My husband and I live in Anchorage, AK currently and are part of a group hoping to start a community in Alaska. I have visited communities and I have not lived in a formal intentional community.
I work as a registered nurse, NVC training, sociocracy training, permaculture design cert and teaching certificate. I am interested in building community through gardening, garden build projects, conflict resolution, the importance of natural spaces for everyone and building connections with others. I am here because I am interested in a few things: learning about how others have started communities and specific activities people have used starting out and finding others interested in starting a community in Alaska and why choose community living?

Hi! Im in Gastonia too! Would love to chat! Im Sherry :wave:

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Talented and interesting person ! Thats a great trait especially for intentional communities! I HAVE 5 dogs… tiny dogs lol

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Hello, I’m Amber :wave:

I’m an individual looking for 3 or 4 likeminded people to co-buy a home in the Kingston, Sault Ste. Marie, or other rural area in Ontario. I want to create a co-living mini-community.

I’m an established software developer who works from home. I spend most of my time alone, in my room/office, on my computer. I’m often in headphones. I love cooking. I love shared dinnertime and playing board games with housemates. I also love the outdoors (kayaking, canoeing, snowshoeing).

I’ve been involved in community before. I helped start a co-housing community that I ultimately didn’t buy into. I’ve co-lived with people before.

I have a few disabilities and this is another reason I would like to co-buy a home. I have a mast cell, immunological issue (think allergies - not contagious) and I’m extremely sensitive to mold. I do well in certain types of homes (log homes in the country, especially), which are pricier, so it would be great to buy a beautiful home and share the costs.

I’m respectful, considerate, quiet, nerdy, silly, introverted, and sensitive. I’m passionate about nonviolent communication and peaceful environments. I’m atheist and not spiritual.

I want to create a household that values autonomy, while remaining respectful, consideration, kindness, good communication, quiet, freedom of religion, and some silliness. Other considerations are low-fragrance and natural soaps, no smoking, no vaping, no illegal drugs, and no violence.

I love NVC and sociocracy. I’ve been practicing NVC for about 20 years and have taught it in professional settings.

I would love to have a dog, but that’s negotiable. I eat meat. I don’t, however, eat gluten, dairy, or much sugar. I don’t have any preferences for what others eat.

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I’m up for a cup of tension tamer tea! :heart_eyes::rofl:


Im currently on the west coast of the US, I do not live in an intentional community. I run an online group and have volunteered at intentional communities. I’m an innovative thinker and good at coming up with creative solutions.

-maximalism and abstract art
-mutual aid
-off grid living and emergency preparedness
-covid cautious measures
-social justice, decolonization
-systems thinking
-sustainable development goals
-civil rights, human rights, disability rights, lgbt rights, womens rights
-writing political opinions

Why I’m here:
I’m here to find community members for a new intentional community!!!
It’s a covid-cautious, disability-friendly, long-term camp caravan group. Location is undecided, current possibilities include Colorado US or the Eastern Sierras US, with potential plans to move to Mexico.

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Hello, I’m quite new here myself. Truth be told, I’m an introvert and not particularly fond of talking about myself. But I’m working on it. Glad to have found you here.

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•My name is Mim (any pronouns)
•Currently in Ohio, not yet joined into a community
•No experience in joined living with non blood relatives
• Artist & Writer
• Gardening, Animals
• Looking to join a intentional community

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  • Where are you living? Do you live in an intentional community now?
    I live near Dothan, AL on a 20 acre property on which I am practicing permaculture. It is a nice place that has good soil, a long growing season, a good climate, a pond, barn, 2 houses, gym, chicken coop, fruit trees, gardens, etc. This place could be made into a community location.

  • What are your experiences in community?
    I have visited and stayed at a couple of communities and permaculture farms.

  • Special talents
    I am trained in electrical, chemical, and software engineering. I am skilled at practical applications in these areas, and am also skilled at building and restoration. I am also skilled at mechanical maintenance and fabrication including automobiles. I also taught as a yoga teacher with my RYT-200 certification. I also practice permaculture, gardening, and homesteading. I am also a musician that plays a few instruments including classical guitar.

  • Interests
    I am interested primarily in sustainability, permaculture, homesteading, spirituality, music, and art.

  • Why are you here?
    I want to join or form a community that is focused on sustainable living and more.
    I hope to meet other people who are interested in the same and work together with them to form a community or find one I can join.

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Hello, did you two every start a community on your property in Vermont? I have been curious about Vermont for living.

I own a 20 acre property with 2 houses (one is under restoration) in Alabama, that has low property taxes and a long growing season. I’ve been considering starting a community here, but am ignorant as to how so far. I’m also considering finding a community to move to.

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What part or FL do you live in? I live in southeast AL (right next to FL), and have a 20 acre property I have been considering turning into a community.



My name is Sara. I am from the Finger Lakes region of western New York. I currently live in a single family home with my children and have never lived or visited an IC.

Up until very recently I didn’t even know there was a name for my vision. I had never heard of IC’s and did not realize there were several within such a close distance to my home.

I am here to learn as much as I can about building a community. I have envisioned this community for years and am at a point in my life where I can pursue this vision more seriously. I want to gain knowledge on how to build a successful community, how to share the vision that is so real in my mind, and how to make those visions come to fruition.

I have worked in several different industries and am currently in the catering industry. I have found a love for the event industry and would love to create a community that is able to create jobs not only for residence, but for the local community as well through building an event space to bring in income.

I am interested in creating a community that shares the same vision and core values as I do. I am very much about teamwork and am hoping to create contacts through this community to help me find the right people to work with.

I look forward to meeting people who have shared experiences and any knowledge they can share.


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Hi Daniel, Great to meet you here. I used to be on call to deliver babies for Findhorn,many years ago. I am now in Bulgaria and would love to hear from people who have set up communities in the UK and Europe. I don’t have enough land to set up a community. it sounds a great idea but finding your people has always been a struggle for me.

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Hi Nina. I am in Bulgaria. Don’t have enough land for a community but have great interest the idea of it

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Hi Otter…Interested to hear more about what you are creating. I am Scottish but live in Bulgaria now. Great interest in community, used to live on the Scottish Northern Isles.

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