Introduce yourself and meet others

Hi IC community!
I’m Russell, and some of my titles are Maker, Inventor, Sculptor, Entrepreneur, EcoArtist, Helper, Healer, Dancer.
I have a Masters degree in Architecture and have studied intentional communities for more than a decade. I think it is the next step in ‘urbanization.’ Intentional communities, contained cities, communes, in all the various forms, are the next evolution of social living. People will be able to choose the exact right type of living situation for themselves and move there.
I am currently living in Central Oregon and I love the culture, nature, and spirituality of the place, but the economic situation is untenable. I am considering moving into an IC either in the area, somewhere with a similar climate, and potentially out of the USA.
I’m looking for a place focused on sustainable living, ecology, and improving earth and humanity in appropriate ways. Basic spirituality, some agriculture, good water, an internal economy, ethically good governance, and at least 10 people in residence. A healthy community, but plenty of space for introversion.
I really want to build! I have a lot of experience in design, fabrication, architecture, and construction. I am also a sculptor and artist, in a lot of different mediums, but most highly in weaving, origami, and tectonic building. I would love to build out of locally available materials and also waste products. Generous zoning and permitting, or at least minimal interference, are preferred.
I am describable as anti-capitalist, leftist, socialist, but am also an entrepreneur. This is because I am by nature a problem solver, creative inventor, and change maker. So I’ve had to be an entrepreneur to survive in the US economy. I have made lots of wonderful things, mostly custom furniture, sculpture, animal homes, but I never make much money, because I don’t charge a lot and I’m not sales-y. I have lots of skills and tools that I would bring to community, and I’m good at teaching, sharing, and uplifting others.
Some of my social identities include 36 years old, male, single, and gender fluid; generally gender neutral, more masculine doing business, more feminine when I’m relaxed or dancing. I don’t really care about my pronouns by “ze/zem/zeir” is linguistically the best for neutral or unknown pronouns.
Looking forward to meeting ya’ll and hopefully finding the right IC to join!


I’m Azad, or Comrade Azad.

I live nowhere and everywhere. Everything I own, including pillow and blanket, fits in 2 duffel bags. I’m recognized as a refugee by the United Nations/UNHCR. I don’t have asylum in any country yet, so I’m forced to travel frequently. I’m currently in Colombia (which feels most like home to me, but I’m open to going almost anywhere).

My experience living in formal communities in the US was that of blatant racism/white supremacy. The communities pretended to be anti-racist while upholding liberal white supremacy and colorblind racism. The only POC accepted are those who’ve conformed to liberal white supremacist culture, who remain happy, docile, and pacified in the face of injustice and overt fascism on the march, who take an amerika first approach/are pro-imperialism, and who generally have the mindset of those Malcolm X referred to as house slaves (who work against the interests of the field slaves). If you’re a POC who has conformed to Euro/white culture, they want you there, but if your life experience has left you truly angry at injustice, if you are seriously upset at the destruction of our Earth, if you’re fearful of the next mass genocides on that land, and you’re seriously seeking to bring about organization to combat those things, you’re far too much for their white sensibilities. I was seriously told to not tell people about my story of having my human rights violated by the US regime because it might upset (white) people.

My understanding informs me that in imperialist countries, intentional communities along with economic development projects are the correct strategy for those serious about changing the world. They allow you to minimize your contribution in labor and buying power to the local/imperialist/war machine economy, and to maximize the reparations raised to give back strategically to global victims of imperialism.

The “big” ICs in the US are very imperfect (mismanaged/misled) models of what is needed. With proper leadership these communities could have already done a massive amount of great work for humanity on the path to global equality and sustainable lifestyles. Millions of dollars of needless/unused things laying around these places could have saved countless lives and heavily empowered communities in non-imperialist countries. Far more can be done with the correct business models, culture, and leadership in place (leadership in terms of the ideas people are led by, and those who best articulate those ideas, thus emerge as leaders/spokespeople for those ideas).

I’m looking for an anti-imperialist community. A community that produces goods in the countryside, but also sells those goods and has representation/businesses/food trucks in urban areas (with members rotating to work in the businesses and back at the farm).

Other than vision, I have some means to help start this community (access to rural land and some/not enough start-up capital), but am lacking other fit people with good work ethic in the US that could make it real.

I speak Spanish, and to a much lesser degree Farsi and Thai. I have advanced knowledge on the subjects of: economics, philosophy, world history, military/self-defense strategy, health/fitness/nutrition, evolutionary biology, sociology, psychology, roots reggae, audio/video production, computer repair, cooking, health code/sanitation/restaurant management, outdoor survival skills, and more.

I’m a serious hiker/long-distance walker (urban and rural). I’m regularly in the top 1% of steps on Samsung Health. I’d love to use that physical energy towards working on anti-imperialist projects.

I’m also available to help coach communities out of their racism and support of imperialism.


Hello everyone - Please call me Kevin. I live in a small town in northern New Mexico. I am a retired economic and community developer with experience in non-profit real estate development, small business development, and non-profit management.

I am here because I am researching the feasibility of establishing a co-housing community in Northern New Mexico. I want to address the needs of creative people to have attainable housing options. My idea so far is to research and buy an appropriate parcel of land and lease part of it for housing development to a “community LLC”. The remainder of the land would be a permanent conservation space that will be an amenity for the community. I would consider myself a friendly landlord and I don’t need to make money on the project. I envision something like a fixed 5% return on what I would spend on land.

I envision a minimum 10 acre place with up to 12 households and community amenities clustered on no more than about 4 acres. People interested in building a home and living there could become members of the “community LLC” entitling them to a long-term sublease of a building lot. To become a member of the community LLC will require payment of a buy-in fee to fund their share of upfront community development costs and shared community amenities. There will also be a recurring fee to fund a share of the operating costs of the community LLC (fixed annual rent to the land owner, maintenance and upkeep of community amenities like a community great room with terrace, kitchen & laundry; a community shop; a community greenhouse/garden; etc.) The community LLC will be governed by its members and decisions about CCR’s applying to building lots, community life, and other rules will be made by the community LLC and enforced through the land subleases. Community members will finance and construct and own their own homes and will be able to sell their home and LLC membership subject to the requirements of their land sublease.

I think it may be realistic to give people a home ownership option at a fraction of the going cost, plus provide a great degree of self-determination in choice of housing design and sweat equity opportunity. It will be set up to appeal to creative people who are interested in being part of a small synergistic living community.

I’m interested in conversation and learning from others who have thought about or who are living similar ideas. Glad to be joining this forum!

  • What should we call you?
    You can call me SCI, that’s an acronym for Students’ Co-operative, Inc.

  • Where are you living? Do you live in an intentional community now?
    I am the Secretary for SCI, and its interim Recruitment Manager! In the future, this account could be run by my successor(s).

  • What are your experiences in community?
    SCI itself has had many experiences for its 80+ years of existence, and feel free to ask about them! Personally my qualifications are: I lived at SCI in March 2011 through September 2012, and April 2014 to October 2015. In the gap I was traveling around going to lots of places, East Wind, Commonground, Murundaka, Moorah-Moorah and other communities.

  • Special talents
    I am told I’m good at animation, actually! But for the purposes of co-operation, I like morale and learning co-operative decision making “models” throughout vastly different cultures. We have a long exciting challenging journey to go on, as one community among millions, to perpetually heal together around the world.

  • Interests
    Co-operation, community, spirit

  • Why are you here?
    I am here to be another resource for the Students’ Co-op to answer any questions you may have about it.


Hello, my name is Maia and I use they/them pronouns. I am currently a college student in the pacific northwest.
I’m here because I’m very done with conforming to capitalism and living within the system and society that I’ve grown up in. I intend to seek a new living situation in an intentional community - specifically one where I can focus on unlearning what has been ingrained in me, where I can have a deep and positive relationship with the land I occupy, and where I can live in reciprocity with everything/everyone I depend on.
As for abilities, I’m good at learning - I really care about pushing, challenging, and deepening my understanding of the world around me. I do my best to be an active and intentional part of the ecosystem I inhabit. I am creative and good at conflict resolution/ communication. I can cook, forage, write, and cultivate plants and fungi for food. I have relatively extensive knowledge of marine ecosystems. I am also a sailor (although I imagine it’s rather unlikely to be a skill set that I end up contributing to a community).
I’ve cultivated a relationship with the ecosystem where I live and thus would like to remain in the salmon forests of the pacific northwest. I am hoping to find somewhere that is either remote (from a human perspective), and/or that has a focus on restoration. I aim to make change by forming myself into the person I want to be, and by living in a way that aligns with that. I want to live in a space where I can do work that builds community rather than capital, and where I can support others, especially those who have been targeted by systemic and institutionalized violences.
Thank you for reading about me. I’m glad to be joining this forum.


My name’s Leo, I’m from and currently living in central-southern Chile. I’m not part of any communities, but I am very curious about everyone’s way of life and of thinking and would love to get to know people in this forum. As for personal interests, I love cooking+food, hiking and nature walks, and I’m an artist with the urge to branch into as many different artistic fields as possible in my lifetime. Glad to meet you all :slight_smile:



We are Peaceful Valley Village.

We are so happy to join this online community and hope to make new connections and learn from all you amazing people!

We are located in beautiful Eugene, Oregon. We are currently in the process of building our community village.

We are very happy to have found IC.Org and look forward to meeting you all. Please reach out and connect with us, we’re all about making new connections! If you’d like to learn more about who we are, check out our website

Kindest Regards,

DJ Parson, Co-Founder
Peaceful Valley Village


Hi there, My name is Connor. I’m living in south east Michigan and not currently living in an intentional community. I would like to be a part of an intentional community. I’ve always felt a deep connection with nature and that we should be living in it more. I don’t think the corporate life is for me and i want to use as little technology as i can (within reason). Obviously i’m willing to help out to keep things up and running around the community.

My ideal community would:

  • Have a lot of people
  • Already organized or have a plan in place
  • I would work/help out for 4 hours or so each day and my living expenses would be taken cared for (food, water, shelter, electricity).
  • It would be great if there was some shared philosophy/spiritual practices as i’ve been into meditation for several years.
  • have some sort of healthcare
  • connection and nature

Special talents/interests (in no particular order)

  • handpan
  • mental imagery
  • neurofeedback programmer (for improving meditation)
  • BQH practitioner (healing form of hypnosis)
  • advanced chakra energy healer
  • music production and audio programming
  • Longboarding
  • vegetarian

let me know if there is a community out there that would be a good match! :slight_smile:


I just posted “I literally cannot sell anything, even if my life depended on it” to my Bluesky account.

What are we, talented yet “a-sales-able” People to do in this society which effectively requires it? We BRING value to society, just not money. So when do we ditch this lame paradigm?

Welcome, comrade! We definitely need leaders in this movement (the greater anti-capital/anti-imperial/socialist movement) Not saying YOU need be “The One” LOL… but I feel you can surely inspire the right ones. Keep on keeping on.

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Hello Kim,
I am new here and I see you have lived in these communities for sometime. I would love to hear what you have discovered living in these communities. I am also exploring the idea of living in a permaculture community when i find one in the area I want to live.

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Hi, my name is John, and I’m one of 3 co-founders in the early research phase of developing an IC in or around Tulsa, Oklahoma. I’m an English/Art teacher (high school level), and I’ve got many interests: Jack of all trades, you know?

I’ve now read Building Belonging, listened to the Inside Community Podcast, and read through the (admittedly brief) intro to Sociocracy. I am so very excited to help found a Spirituality and Arts Community in Oklahoma!

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Hello Conner, I like your introduction, I have yet to post one of my own. I have never heard of neurofeedback programming. I have been getting deeper and deeper in meditation with some very impressive results. I am glad to see you seem to be aligning your chakras very well. I hope you find what you are seeking. I am also seeking to escape the matrix and I have determined that means leaving the US. In my opinion it is the evil empire that we need to worry about the most.



We are a BIPOC American family originally from the Seattle area, currently based in Los Angeles. My husband is Black and I am Asian. We are posting here on in hopes of connecting with other Bipoc, anti-racist, and family-oriented folx seeking intentional community.

We are interested in holistic, regenerative, permaculture, and food independence. Like many others in the intentional community space, we are in the beginning stages. We are working towards acquiring ancestral land. There aren’t very many intentional communities that are Bipoc led, specifically comprised of Black leadership, and we hope to be part in changing that. We plan to create a safe space for Bipoc people to have resources and space to build independence.

Connect with us -



I recommend checking out Mud Bone Grown. The founders are pretty amazing people. They are worth checking out for some inspiration and all the things they offer to the community.


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My name is Chris Wood, my wife and I are starting an intentional community in Corozal Belize.
We are health (spiritually, mentally and physically) conscious individuals. We have decided to step away from the current world to create a community where one can live a simple, holistic lifestyle with like minded people.
We would like to attract people who have experience managing & maintaining a community, musicians, artists, healers, yogis, physical fitness, divers, farmers, teachers, martial artists, security specialists, entrepreneurs, green-thumbers, synchronized swimmers and altruistic individuals desiring to live in an old fashioned community where neighbors look out for one another.


Good morning Sarah🌞
My name is Chris Wood, my wife Wendy Carter and I are starting an IC in Belize for the very reasons you’ve expressed.
We’ve been here for 3 years and are happy with the country for the reasons we came here. It’s not without issues, but they’re far better than the US/most of the world.
We want to enjoy life and the people in it!
The soil and climate down here is like “supergrow”, year round!
Please reach out if you’d consider an escape from Babylon!


Hello Chris, I am very much interested in learning more about your community. My focus has been South and Central America. I so much want to escape the US matrix. I will send you a email very soon. Thanks for sharing and welcome!


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Hi :heart_eyes: My name is Nils.

This is the first of nine pages about a vision that could blossom on the sunny island of Tenerife (Canary Islands), where I already own a finca, or perhaps elsewhere.

If you feel drawn to this dream, or are simply curious, please send me a message. I am happy to share the other pages with you and would be happy to answer any questions or meet face to face.


Gonna try a different tack here:

I’m applying for a job at one of y’all’s businesses, and I only need to be relocated there, once someone agrees to hire me.

I have experience with computers, and have used Apple OSs, Windows OSs, and Linux, all extensively (meaning I don’t really need a specific OS to run YOUR computing needs)

I have experience in warehouse inventory management, as well, in the same position, shipping and receiving, and deliveries.

I have experience clerking for a trademark attorney, as well as experience as both a runner AND accounts payable for a large law firm.

I have done TONS of physical labor, both as a job, and from simply being alive for 53 years. I am no doubt still fully able to do manual labor, should that be the only thing needed.

I also have extensive knowledge in botany, horticulture, permaculture, and general garden maintenance.

I know how, and LOVE, to form doughs and bake breads. And cook.

Try me. Save me. Please.