Do you have land to transition to a community?

Do you know of disbanding communities, individual property owners or farmland looking to transition/pass on land for forming communities? Especially forming groups that are led by black, indigenous and people of color (BIPOC)?

In value with land reparations and reversing the displacing of land and land ownership, FIC is in the process of supporting the connection between available land and forming BIPOC communities. Moving forward, we are working with the BIPOC Intentional Communities Council (and others interested in this effort) to create a directory of available land and groups seeking land.

If you know of any groups or individuals who may be interested in transitioning land toward reclamation, please share here!

Resources we are inspired by:
The Center for Ethical Land Transition
California Farmlink is doing similar work with farmland
Linke Fligl’s redistribution of land to Wildseed Community
Reparations Map by Northeast Farmers of Color Land Trust

This is just the beginning of our land transition directory project. We hope to see fruitful dialogue here that can help inform us on our journey!