Introducing The Wimmin
It isn’t so long ago, or so far away, not really. In that timespace there is no word for fear. In villages and towns, on the land, in the woods, on the shores, fear is unknown. On the plains, in the hills, along the rivers, fear does not exist. On the roads and in the homes, there is no need for fear. Seasons and temperatures make no difference, nor does the lightness of sunrise or the dark of night. This is the world of the Wimmin.
The Wimmin know grief for there are partings,
disappointments, death.
The Wimmin know regret for in any time or place
hasty words can be spoken.
The Wimmin know disappointment for not always
does anyone get everything wanted or in the way expected.
The Wimmin understand hardship for the weather can be bitter and
even here the crops can fail and sickness can come into a body. Yet,
they don’t call these things hardships as we would. To them these are
cycles of life.
Anger is not unknown. There are momentary sparks quickly released
and aimed at no one and no thing.
There is no fear of hunger for grains are stored for the lean years. Never
among the wimmin does one starve while others are sated.
Since all have what is needed, there is no fear of loss.
Since all are respected and treated with kindness, there is no fear of
In the Wimmin there is no word for fear—for there is nothing to fear,
no one to fear, to envy, to be jealous of, no one to distain or despise, no
one to outwit or defeat or even to defend against.
In a people who do not fear, giving and sharing bring the greatest joy.
Assisting each other and working together in good spirit, laughter and
song is a given.
For a people who do not fear, all that is done is creative, expansive.
Planting, building, celebrating, making clothing, crafting homes and
earthware and baskets and adornments. Using colors, textures, rocks or
shells, grasses or woods, fabrics or clays, fingers or knives. All is done in the
ease of there-is-always-plenty-of-time to make things beautiful, to make
them just right, to go with the maker’s imagination, to savor the making.
The Wimmin labor for themselves and for each other, their work always of
the essentials— shelter, food, satisfaction, laughter, creativity, connection.
Since all use according to need, there is no waste. Since each uses what
she needs, no more or less, there are no shortages.
Since all trust in each other, there is no hoarding. Profit is quite beyond
the comprehension of the Wimmin.
Among the Wimmin happiness is highly regarded. Although they would be surprised we even note that, for what is there besides joy and appreciation of life, of each other, of the Earth. Joy is connection, the Wimmin live in connection. They know no other way.
All is done from the heart, is given from the heart, is enjoyed from the heart. And the heart is a most creative place. When there is no fear, the heart can be most open indeed.
To the Wimmin there is no question but to attend the tiniest first feelings of imbalance or dis-ease whether in themselves or each other.
The Wimmin’s days are filled with appreciation, with the big and little, alone and together celebrations—some quiet, some downright rowdy, in the laughing and dancing sense, of course.
The Wimmin appreciate, and even more than that treasure and take delight in themselves, each other, the Earth, every part of their lives. Although they do not know the word, compassion fills the lives of the Wimmin—for the joys and agonies of one are felt by all.
Another word the Wimmin do not know is Lesbian. Yet, these wimmin love other wimmin from the very depths of their being. The Wimmin know Love.
Not so long ago there is no word for fear. Can we for a moment imagine a world, a life, a society without fear? On the surface no and no again. Yet, look a little deeper— feel that sigh, feel the heart expand, feel the start-ofa-smile, feel the tears just behind the eyes. The Knowing of this Life is in us. We can touch it, remember it. And, we can help to create it, live it again. For I am of the Wimmin as are you.
Not so long ago, or so far away, not really, the Wimmin live on the land and in villages, unable to imagine fear. Knowing only connection, creativity and celebration. They call it life. Perhaps it is time for us also to once again live. Shall we live, build our lives— together.
Jae Haggard
Sinister Wisdom #72 issue