Looking to join in a community (Commune)

I am looking to join a commune or community in the U.S. I’m new to FIC and have never lived in a community before. Does anybody know of a direction I can take to get started?

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Well you’re in the right place.

Use the FIC’s very thorough directory to look for places that interest you AND that have space for visitors or members.

Check out twin oaks Community. their visitor program is a really great orientation to living in a commune.

Acorn Community is also likely looking for new members right now.

See if you can take off time from work and visit a bunch of different communities in a year or two. This can help you compare and see what really matters to you.

Just a couple pieces of little advice.


Thank you so much! :v:

Twin Oaks has a conference around Labor Day. I think it means you can meet a lot of different communities all at once and in one place.