Is there local/regional intentional community forming meetup groups/events?

I know there’s online/forums on FIC (like Forming Communities.), and I know of Twin Oaks’ Communities Conference on Labor Day weekend, but anybody know of any local/regional in-person / meetup groups/events to form ICs?

We live in N. Ohio, between Akron & Cleveland. If people would like to organize a get together potluck, we’d be happy to host.

Stone Garden Farm

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Here in the Pacific Northwest where I live, there is a twice-yearly gathering of the NICA (Northwest Intentional Communities Association). Next time it happens not very far from me I want to attend, I live in OR.

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Maybe try googling whether there is a Midwest Intentional Communities Association, or something like that, as we have the Northwest one in my knick of the woods, sorry if Ohio isn’t the Midwest, it may be too far east for that? I do know that the FIC sometimes has zoom meetups for people interested in community to meet and network, maybe someone from your area will zoom in and you can connect?

Also the Cohousing Asociation of the US has monthly The Commons zoom meetups to talk about cohousing which is a type of intentional community.

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This seemed like an okay place for this post. I have a desire to start a “Community Team”, most likely online, to start with anyways. This would be a group of people who want support each other in our lives and in pursuit of healthy community living and to become the communitarians that we want to be. Anyone interested to joining me to see where this idea might go?


Stephen, we regularly meet over potlucks, hikes, camping or general community discussion/planning.

We typically meet 2-3 times per month and eventually more often. We’re in the founding stages of the process and we’re looking for new members/founders to join us.

Check out and reach out to us if you’re interested in learning more. I’d love to see you join our gatherings.


We are in Minnesota- I would be interested in learning more about a Midwest area one of the USa