Looking for Co-Founders for a Community based on Voluntary Simplicity in North Carolina

Coweeta Heritage Center/Talking Rock Farm has been dedicated to teaching and promoting sustainable living. We are looking for individuals or families who want to be Co-founders of our community based on Voluntary Simplicity. Coweeta has served the local community (Franklin, NC) for over 20 years and hosted many volunteers from all over the world. The time is ripe for Coweeta to become a full-fledged Intentional Community with a clear Mission and Vision to be of service to the world.

Here is an excerpt from our site on IC.org. Contact me (Paul Chew) for more info.

“Voluntary Simplicity” is based on the recognition that “very little is needed to live well” and that “abundance is a state of mind.” Living lower on the economic ladder allows us more time and freedom to pursue other life goals: community and social engagement, family time, artistic or intellectual projects, more fulfilling employment, political participation, sustainable living, spiritual exploration, and more. According to the Voluntary Collective, “The grounding assumption of Voluntary Simplicity is that all human beings have the potential to live meaningful, free, happy and infinitely diverse lives while consuming no more than an equitable share of (the world’s) resources.” We affirm the need for a work/life balance, the right to a healthy environment and healthy food, and healthy community relationships supporting a diverse population. It is our responsibility as engineers of a new generation to make the changes that we want to see happen and pass this on to the next generations. We can’t wait for someone else to do this important work. Voluntary Simplicity is a quiet revolution that can change the world. As one person said, “we must be poets of our own lives and of a new generation.”

We hope you will join us here at Coweeta or elsewhere on your journey to a healthier and more sustainable future!

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