Introduction - Allen Butcher

What should we call you?  

Allen (pronouns: co/cos)

Where are you living? Do you live in an intentional community now? 

Dry Gulch Ecovillage, a small, urban, class-harmony community in a gentrifying neighborhood of the West Denver Barrio (Colorado, USA).

What are your experiences in community?

12 years in communal society, 3 years in collectives, 14 years in class-harmony community

Special talents

Writing; construction


Intentional community; Partnership Spirituality

Why are you here?

This is clearly the place to be! :smile: :slight_smile:

I have been creating written materials about intentional community, and community-oriented spirituality. I have produced a first edition of an alternative history of Western civilization focusing upon gifting and sharing cultures, and am in the process of producing a second edition. 1st edition available on Amazon titled: “The Intentioneers’ Bible.” This work is also part of my development of a communitarian religion I’ve named “partnership spirituality.” For discussions of these projects see my blog: www(dot)Intentioneers(dot)net Also, I have three Facebook pages: Dry Gulch Ecovillage; School of Intentioneering; Partnership Spirituality

Another book project I am working on covers several different topics concerning community, some of the chapters for which I will be distributing when produced, currently working on one about childcare in community, and another about time-based economics replacing monetary economics, and another on partnership spirituality. Initial discussions of these and other topics appear on my blog and Facebook pages.

I am fortunate to have a living situation where I can focus upon writing, which has also served for isolating during the Covid pandemic. Looking forward to getting published!


Welcome. I followed you on wordpress. I’m not a “go on everyday” sorta person but I I look forward to your future blogs.

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