***Fruit Farm in US tropics dreaming of awesome artist members ready to have a great time***

Hello everyone!
Ive got a smallish 3 acre fruit/herb only farm in the US tropics, deep pacific ocean, Its my dream come true! and so, greeting to all of you from Dragon Garden Saipan!
Ive been working on it for five years, planting exotic fruits that no one here has. Ive rented a 2 bedroom “apartment” in an 8800 sq ft building, in the middle of the jungle, on the very quiet side of the island, the cliffy beautiful side. Im the only one here, in the building, I can rent the entire 2 story concrete building for pretty cheap if I want to, so im dreaming of artist members who love the jewelry, forging and gem arts, and want to help develope those here on this small US island. Wire wrappers, gem facetors, carvers, steel forgers, DJ’s, mineral people, fire spinners, the tribe of Dragons is forming at Dragon Garden Saipan!
A little about the island, fast and to the point: 84 degress year round, NO WINTER AT ALL!! Seriously it doesnt get below 75 like ever… ever.
The beach is 2 miles away, 2 of them, white sand, lots of corral, hardly anyone ever there. ANother major beach is just 1 mile but I dont go there very often. Fish is pretty cheap everywhere, everything else is about twice what you would pay for it in Tennesee or Ohio or wherever central US. I guess that makes it on par with the cost of food on the coasts. Never fear, always a half price rack in every grocery, and there is a nice grocery store less than 300 yards away, pretty amazing considering my farm is basically alone on the side of a road, on the side of a hill, on the side of an island. DGS is at 350 foot elevation off of the ocean, and the island tops out at 1500 feet. The views up on top of the island are magnificent, and its a ten minute drive to the top. The whole island is 14 miles long, and five wide, so you can go anywhere in about 15 minutes max. I dont go out much, I love working on my farm with my chicky wikies. No other animals here, and no predators on island at all! nothing to kill you but the sharks, and its best to let them stay in the deep end while I frolic like a child in the shallows. (no one dies from sharks here)
55,000 people here, english speaking, US dollar using and US owned. Hardly any crime at all! No visa needed for US citizen, super cheap visa of 14 days or 45 days for everyone else! Our island lets EVERYONE in, upon arrival, and thats why we used to have 600,000 chinese tourists a year before the covid thing took over and shut our island down. Right now we are running about 15,000 Korean tourists a week, Japanese are starting to come in, and Chinese will be on the way someday.
SO im looking for great people who can afford 500$ a month total to live here, and if I can find 3 or more then I can rent the whole place and get crazy! I had taken over the whole building at one point but the management company came along one day and politly asked me to move all of my antique anvils, drill presses, carving studio, cannabis grow tents and everything back over to my side, and so I did. Its been a wee bit tight since then, but Im workng it out. As a lover of jades and agates and quartzes oh my, well you know us types, gems and chainmaille and tools laying everywhere. Havent imported all the tools from central US yet, so I cant do any of my souls work, but the farm keeps me happy and busy all day long, and with great member/pwner/renters here, its just a breeze.
I keep dreaming of dynamic, agnostic or chill, hyper intelligent beach addicts who want to work “hardly” for a few hours in the morning/afternoon sun, and then shoot off to the beach every other day for a nice swim in the rocky pools, or a hike along the shore lined in 50 foot tall cliffs, or no cliffs at all, depeneding on which beach. Some of the canyons here with tiny beaches at the ends of them are to die for. Just gorgeous.
So, if anyone wants to get on a plane and leave the US drama show behind, come do a camping thing with me for crazy cheap( 50 a week+ food and a little work, bring a tent), or get a room and look at the dozen micro companies I have designed here( I would love to find business partners for some of the unique Ideas I have here), let me know all about you and what you are all about, and if everything is chill and sweet, get on a plane and say good bve to taxes(yea seriously we dont pay federal taxes), winter, drama shows and prohibition forever! We are legal rec, and proud of it, no drama here, everyone is just happy.
Tobacco use outside, Im growing some for you already. Low alcohol use, prefer no hard liqour, and absolutly no hard drugs of course. DGS is a place to heal your soul from the crazy mainland, and find your land connection, dream big or go home. You can stay with me for 3 months while you find your own property here if you want, Im cool with that.
Hope to hear from you(another exclamation point?). Yep! The party is waiting, and you are the guest of honor!!
Yours truly,

Dragon Garden Saipan

(thats right, Saipan island, CNMI, right next to Japan, China, Philipenes, Korea, Indonesia(jade!), Thailand, SOlomon, Palau, Micronesia, Papau NG, and even Australia! Hope skip and a cheap jump to Philipenes, insane cheap to EVERYWHERE from there!!! Theriouthly, Cuzon PH is 40$ plane ticket to Chaing Mai Thailand! WEEEEEEEE. HIT me up, will send you some pics… if I like your chill vibe and smooth styles :stuck_out_tongue:

Laters, I gotta hit the beach!


Hello, I’m really interested in what you have established. I am an artist (singer) and I am interested in permiculture, I would love to come visit and see what you have sometime. Would you be able to connect via text so we could discuss more (401)477-9200? I’m Abby btw.

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Hey. Your whole post sounds amazing. My name is darryl and id love to see if we mesh well . My email is mavdad32@gmail.com or let me know how to best contact you.

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Sounds like you’re having a great time and I’m sure there will be people out there who will want to join you. And it would be a heck of a fun vacation spot. You could have an air b and b and part of it is learning about community and growing things and having fun at the beach :)))

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Hey there,
Wow this sounds great!
I live and work on a permaculture practicing hemp farm/cattle ranch in Oregon.
We run a handful of fledgling modestly successful to un-successful business. All 7 of operate or co-operate one small business or another. While also serving as each others employees.
Be it making hemp dog treats, cbd products, pickles, jams, raising cattle.
Last year I started producing a couple ecologically conscious bike assessories because I’m passionate about riding and Portland is 20mi. away :smiley:.
I’ve done a little steel casting & forging to make out production machine parts after several attempts… Making jewelry just sounds like fun! I got way into wrapping quartz and calcite pendants for a couple yrs. while going to school in Missouri.
I’m looking to leave this wonderful place only because the landlord is putting the 84 acre multi-million dollar property is up for sale in April and we can’t afford it.
Oh, yeah! My name is Keith and I have a cat named Colt.
If you’d like to get in touch (636) 579-9517 email pellomoco@gmail.com

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Hi Abby, thanks for your response. Sry it took me a while to come back, I checked up on the ad daily for a couple weeks and no one said anything, so now Im back.
Could you please call me at 670-256-6866 . My home phone wont call long distance, but it can recieve calls of course. I would love to talk to you about your interest in Dragon Garden Saipan. We are on Chamorro Standard time, please look that up and call me during the morning here. Look forward to talking to you.
Teal @ Dragon Garden Saipan.

Hi Darryl, great to hear from you. I will send you an email right after my coffee is made. Thanks so much.
Teal @ Dragon Garden Saipan

Hello Riona and Logan, yes I have much to teach about tropical plants and their needs, and much to learn from amazing people. Not sure about an Air BB, but WWOOFers are welcome to come enjoy a fruit farm if they want. It would be great to find a room mate for this awesome orchard. Write me at Teal.vanvlymen@gmail.com if you both are up for a vacation. THanks

Hi Keith, your businesses sound fantastic, would love to do the same thing here. Several cool people in the building, several cool business supporting the building, lots of dinners and parties along the way! Sounds perfect.
I will email you right after coffee is made(yawn), just got up and its a beautiful rainy day, chainsaw is ready to rip some jungle down so I can plant more rare fruit trees… its going to be a great day. Chat soon!