Hi Maxeem, I am doing what you are looking for, growing most of my own food, by myself, I might add. Yeah, I’d like to find some co-conspirators, too!
I am into growing herbs and getting as much as I can from Mother Nature. But let me mention one thing about being a ‘hunter’. Years ago, when I got out of college my husband and I moved to south Arkansas for his job. We had an elderly neighbor who lived thru the Depression, and he said EVERYBODY hunted and things got to the point afterwards that if someone found a deer footprint, people would come from miles around to see it. IOW, in a SHTF situation, being a ‘hunter’ might be impossible in a short time. I like to think that now people understand that if the breeding females are killed for food, that will be the end of the species. But hunger is a powerful motivator.
so, for growing my own food I have livestock, large livestock. I know rabbits are a thing with small homesteaders, but darn, you only get one meal when you butcher one. A steer or a pig…a year’s worth of meat. I let someone with the right facilities do it right! I also have a milk cow…love that butter, ice cream, yogurt, cheese, etc!
As for veggies, I grow whatever I can grow. My mantra is: grow what you eat, eat what you grow! It’s work but what is better than growing your own Roundup free food and being healthy?? And yeah, I preserve in several ways.
I do buy stuff from the stores but most stuff I can do without…chocolate, coffee, etc. Flour would be a hard thing to do without but there are some ‘substitutes’. This next growing season I want to grow more chicken food. The non-GMO stuff has really gotten expensive.
Maxeem, did you live at East Wind? I actually live about 30 miles north of there.
I am looking for a few good people to join me. I am not getting any younger and want all the effort I have made here to continue as a local food producing place…just in case. I have had some folks here to meet and greet, and I have a whole slew of stories about the lack of work ethic and the lack of understanding about what we are doing to the earth and the changes we need to make. Yes, I am into permaculture: grow food and build community!! I also thought that if the place is PC based, and people understand and take it to heart, there shouldn’t be all those issues of ‘underachievers’ that cause problems in communities.
If anyone is interested, message me!