If you have land and want community?

We are looking for a live in permaculturist

No, sorry. I disagree. The Declaration is just a tiny bump, a minor slo dwn to home loss. The legal trades go by that so fast it seems not worth the 200$ or whatever the cost to draw up… dont ask why.
Ex-home owner
hummm, did not post as Reply up w/the Aug’23 post

I tried to stop being interested in intentional community/cohousing, but it didn’t really work, so I’m back again. Our friends we’d considered forming with did recently find land to connect with, but its too far out for my husband and I, and the others in the interest group we had going. I’m excited for them and perhaps they’ll end up indeed creating community on their new property. But its not anywhere we could join them. So we’re back to square one, and that’s okay. Due to a big credit issue we have no business thinking of buying land anytime soon. We’re still open to the idea of renting in someone else’s community if we can find one that would be a fit, but though we visited several in Portland there aren’t many in the suburbs where we like being, so we’re just sitting back and learning and seeing what happens in the future.

I can’t deny that, if we won the lotto, we’d move forward with buying land and start out with a central leader community. Yes my opinion has changed a lot, there is one of those in Portland that seems to work for folks who live there, the central leader rarely vetos the decisions made in the group, only on rare occasion. And I could see that working for me. The other idea I like is the idea of intentional neighbours, where others buy plots of land next to our plot and we all do things together and have community, but maybe not in a strict sense, like whenever a new plot of land on the block comes up for sale, we let everyone on the waitlist know so they can buy it before randoms do?

Lots of ideas floating around in my mind, but nothing concrete at this time. But I now am a much bigger fan of someone owning the land and everyone else renting, I’ve seen that, under the right circumstances it can work.

I’ve become much less idealistic about coownership and consensus and the like in the past year, visiting other communities, seeing what works, what doesn’t work, etc.

Owning land and wanting community sounds good to me now adays.


Would love to speak with you- Please email me at anusavitara@gmail.com

One thing many of y’all who HAVE LAND “secured” and that is zoned correctly for the various uses that will be needed, is to seriously consider HOUSING People, those who have found it impossible to “work correctly” within this unfortunate economic system that has captured the “USA”…

Further, USE this “land wealth power” you hold to actually influence, and CHANGE the governance of your respective regions, to those of more equitable and just forms. Work to REPLACE the capitalist agenda so rooted in much of all of Turtle Island’s occupied lands. Fill the governments with People who are able and willing to bring these needed changes.

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