Here is how to give feedback to the forum!
- Create a new topic (press the yellow ‘New topic’ button)
- Choose the Meta category
- Choose the tag #feedback
- …enter your feedback.
We are particularly interested in feedback to:
- Getting started documents
- Ease of use
- What’s missing?
- Content ideas
- Community agreements
…but feedback on anything else you have in mind is also warmly welcome.
Note that you can also always @moderators or @admin if you have any trouble or specific feedback inside an existing topic.
Happy feedbacking!
Hey Team,
I’m super into feedback, so thanks for providing this! I just wanted to say (as a new person into this discussion realm) that it isa bit hard to figure out how to start. There are multiple places that say “start here” but they loop back to the same page. This getting started is taking me a long time, and I’d like to help make it easier.
I love those words. So I did. I got as far as “introduce yourself” and found myself on that page and my thoughts were “ok, this is where I make an intro…and WHERE & HOW do I do that?” so I started hitting all the buttons, and it seems like that yellow curvy arrow is the key (Can we maybe label that please?). There is also the option of “reply”, but what we are replying to? The instructions? I mean, I think of replying as something we do to a letter, and these instructions look more like (friendly) instructions, but not something we’d “reply” to. Can I please suggest you end that “letter" with “Click on the yellow arrow below to post your introduction”.
And now I’m in “Feedback”. I noticed you say "press the yellow “New Topic” button. I’m not seeing a yellow button labelled “New Topic”. Unless ALL yellow buttons are for new topics? And it says "choose the tag “#feedback”…where do we choose that please? I typed this at the top of my note, but again, that wasn’t choosing it, it was typing it. Sorry, I get bogged down by wording - I’m a bit literal.
I volunteer on a communication medium ( and one thing we try to remember is that we have people speaking English as a second language, so we try to make all instructions super clear, and/or get someone speaking ESL to look it over. If you don’t do that, I’m offering it as something to ponder. 
Thanks for asking for feedback!