I’m creating a space of discussion for those who believe in the benefits of having a makerspace/laboratory to continue pursuing innovations and studies further contributing to the the well-being of our descendants and continue metaphorically planting trees whose shade we may never live long enough to get to sit under.
I often find free items on nextdoor and craigslist that would be good for making things but I can’t keep them because I don’t have the space. I often wish I could claim them and put them in a community garage so people could use them. The same with office supplies! Cricut machines and tools are expensive and I rarely use them, but they are so useful every once in a while. Same with printers, lawnmowers (although I keep a garden I need to mow the pathways), chest freezers, etc. I wish I had a local communal-items-in-general space.
This is something I would like to do on my property. There are so many ways to create and harness energy, but the crux is ALWAYS, they aren’t “economically viable”. I think if aspiring inventors had the right tools and workspace, they could make prototypes for single homes or small communities.
i absolutely believe this is 100% worthwhile. i want to form an intentional community, and i don’t want to lose access to infrastructure, mechanics or technology; i just want it to become more…artisan, if you will.
i want us to make our own mini-turbines and water filters and bikes and solar panels, etc.
I’m hoping that the community I help form will have maker spaces and encourage such because that is how we innovate as well as preserve good things, through making, whether that be science, art, day-to-day objects, food, etc.
So the community which I helped get the ball rolling on starting but which we stepped back from since we realized we don’t have the emotional wherewithall and stammina to be cofounders, they are super gung-ho about a maker space, with multiple sections, possibly multiple smaller buildings, so I’m really glad. We may eventually join up with them as members once there is land and infastructure in place. Because they’re gonna have all the good stuff if all goes well.