Avnø Oasis in Denmark is seeking new members, volunteers, business partners and students

Hey IC enthusiasts,

We are an ambitious and quite well-organized community in Denmark. Our main priorities are deep connection, health, nature, education, personal development, cooperation with the outer world and co-creation. Our ecovillage is young (est. in 2020), but we’re moving quite actively and steadily. Our project includes 3 parts: a community, a højskole (an educational center for adults) and green businesses. We own 21 ha of protected seacoast land and 2 big buildings with many rooms to live in. We are part of the Danish and European ecovillage networks. We teach ecovillage design, health and permaculture-related courses.

We want to grow and connect with the outside world more, so we are looking for new members, volunteers, business partners, students, co-livers and guests.

We are especially interested in new community members enjoying having these roles:

  • A marketing circle leader or member — with a background in marketing
  • A building maintenance circle leader or member
  • A hosting circle leader or member
  • A kitchen chef (3-4 people with this role ideally)
  • A volunteer mentor
  • A person attracting and managing our business partnerships
  • A person responsible for our economy — bookkeeping, economy overview, wages
  • A person responsible for the social sides of the community
  • A person responsible for the local plan development and connections with authorities
  • A person responsible for the territory design + how things are used
  • An administrative assistant (a secretary — ideally a Danish person)
  • A person working with grants/fundings (Erasmus+, ESC, CISU etc.)

In our infopackage you can find more info about us. We also have a website (avno . org)
Avnø Oasis infopackage

P.S. We will be joining the ecovillage gathering in Sweden this year, so you can also meet us there :smile:

Let’s connect! PM me or write to us: info@avno.org