My name is Griffin. I’ve spent some time in the FEC communities and a few other small communities here and there in the US. I’m a plant geek and also a nutrient-cycling geek who has always, always wanted to get on land and live in community. I didn’t find one in New England that suited my exact needs so I guess I’ll try and make one. I like to cook, identify and nurture plants, and hang out with my sweet old black Lab, Rosa. I’m naturally conflict-averse so I like to build good containers for difficult conversations, like house meetings with built-in time for requests and discussions of daily goings-on. I am trans, queer, white, and I work as a nurse. I am very people-oriented and like to chat and be friendly in shared spaces but also love to hear if someone’s not up for chatting at that moment! I was raised in guess culture, but am transitioning to ask culture. See more info about our baby community here: https://forum.ic.org/t/help-cofound-a-forest-understory-farm-community/1646